Who knows how to make a bold and engrossing romance film?
The French. You know you are watching a French romance film versus one made in America. Here in the states, a romance film generally hits the same basic beats. Two people meet (probably cannot stand each other). Then they fall madly in love. Then one does something stupid, and they break it off. Finally, they get back together in an over-the-top scene. There are few American films that break the model in that way. The classic modern musical, La La Land, is a great example of one that subverts that expectation.
But what makes French romance films different?

First off, they do not care about being happy and hopeful. You will find plenty of romance films that fear getting dark and tragic but that certainly is not the case for the French. If a French romance does not get depressing at someone…it just feels wrong. Generally, these films have no shame in being sexual and intimate on-screen. American censors seem to have issues with sex (but not violence), but it is the opposite in European cinema. There are plenty of films that I have seen this year that feature graphic sexual scenes and plenty of nudity. This might seem gratuitous to an American audience, but it feels natural and poignant in the hands of a talented director.
But what is a new French romance that is a great highlight of these sensibilities?
Anais in Love. This is a charming quirky tale about a young woman who is experimenting and experiencing love when she finds herself caught in a loving web with someone completely unexpected. Anais is a rambunctious young woman who has plenty of energy. She wants to explore her sexuality as she goes from an attractive young man to an older and established professional. But the twist? He falls for Anais…who falls for his wife. What progresses from here is a passionate, forbidden, and lustful affair that captures the attention of the audience. These types of narrative threads are not purely original or unique but Anais in Love packs quite the passionate punch.
What does writer-director Charline Bourgeois-Tacquet bring to this film that makes it stand out in the overly saturated world of romantic cinema?
The amount of energy that the film boasts (with Anais being the energetic spirit that she is at the center) is quite inspired. In general, this film has a much lighter tone than many French romances, but it still does provide scenes of emotional weight. The energy makes for a breezy pace that keeps the audience engaged in Anais’ rollercoaster love life. The film is well shot as well. Just because it is a simple romance does not mean you don’t have to provide a deeper impact on the technical side of things.
What about Bourgeois-Tacquet’s screenplay?
It has been established that the narrative beats to the film are (in general) standard affairs. But what might be most impactful is how the film comes to a resolution. There is an impeccably written final interaction between Anais and her older lover, Emilie. This scene is worth the price of admission with its passion and sexual tension boiling underneath. It is not the ending that feels played out from other films and that works for its benefit. Along with this compelling romance, there are plenty of other elements that make this an engaging and enjoyable experience. There are other character dynamics that are enjoyable including Anais’ relationship with her family.
But the actors have to bring the story and characters to life, right?
Right at the center is a compelling and magnetic performance from Anais Demoustier. Her turn as Anais is enjoyable and charismatic. We get why young men, older men, and older women all succumb to her charms. She carries her own in the deeper emotional moments including the complicated finale confrontation between Anais and Emilie. Speaking of…Valeria Bruni Tedeschi is a gem as Emilie in this film. Her mature presence in contrast with Demoustier’s performance is the perfect balance to this engaging romance. When these two consummate their feelings on a beach, you feel every bit of their attraction and sexual chemistry. This is one of the best romantic pairs I have seen in a film all year.

Does Anais in Love do justice to the long legacy of high-quality French romances?
This is a fun and romping romance that still finds the time to be lustful and poignant.
Fantastic central performances bring this love affair to life and keep the audience wanting more. You wish you can find more romance films like this (and hopefully filmmakers like Bourgeois-Tacquet keep making them).
Contributed By : Shane Conto