The pink ribbon happens every year and there is this pink mania happening all over social media in an attempt to make women and the men associated with them more aware of the deadly ‘Breast Cancer’. The awareness campaign takes place religiously but to what section of society or to what extent does it make an impact? Something to reflect on Maybe!
My tryst with this secret agent named ‘Breast Cancer’ was way back when I was a kid.
What age was I? Well, I don’t remember much. Women ain’t supposed to reveal their age anyway, just like how they shouldn’t reveal their breasts or the issues associated with it! I had overheard a hushed discussion between Ammi & my Dadi about how shameful it would be for Her to come out in public now. I knew ‘HER’ well enough. She was a relative and I have met her quite a few times. Why I knew her, in particular, was because of how sweet and a gentle human she was in comparison to the Innumerable relatives we had but I never knew them enough. Being a 40 year old now (oops I revealed my age) I realize the reason why I knew her and not others much.
One attribute I have taken after my Abba, I connect with humans who are closely related to Humanity. Humanity is being human, right? I doubt!
So this lady was a relative and after much persuasion and coaxing I found out from Ammi that one of her Breasts was removed by surgery. It didn’t make much sense to me but then my little mind who was an okay student at science could comprehend that just like how a hand, leg, or fingers are amputated when they get deceased, this would be something similar. But what I failed to understand was, the shame associated with it?! Why was it that she would be ashamed to make a public appearance? Later as I grew up and especially when puberty hit, I was warned time and again to cover up my body especially my breasts.
The shameful and heinous act of Rape is closely associated with Breasts again. And why is it shameful?
It’s shameful for the victim, not for the offender.
It’s a shame that if she got raped, she would have exposed a part of her body which she was forbidden to, and result? ‘Rape’. Now, who is to be blamed of course the one who exposed, revealed, and ASKED for unnecessary attention. One thing about our society is a woman asking for something and she gets it, especially attention (pun intended). Let’s not get there, something which has been discussed, spoken about, and written innumerable times resulting in breaking records (India has taken a steep growth upwards in rape graph along with Covid as well), doesn’t mean we stop these discussions or writing. If the Lion doesn’t pen its story the hunter will be glorified.
Let’s get back to ‘Breast Cancer’,
‘Breast cancer is cancer that develops in breast cells. Typically, the cancer forms in either the lobules or the ducts of the breast. Lobules are the glands that produce milk, and ducts are the pathways that bring the milk from the glands to the nipple. Cancer can also occur in the fatty tissue or the fibrous connective tissue within your breast!’ That’s the definition of this.
Now one thing about Breast cancer in comparison to other Cancers is. On early diagnosis breast cancer can be treated and waded off to a remarkable extent and Mastectomy can be totally avoided. Well, call them ASSETS or SHAME they sure can be retained or saved.
This is the exact reason why the awareness has been created so that the women themselves detect the symptoms at an early stage and get the right treatment done.
Despite all this awareness campaign, why would it be that the graph keeps going up and doesn’t come down?! isn’t it important to consider this issue more? Somewhere it’s got to do with the ‘Shame’ factor maybe. The acceptance of Breasts as just another part of female anatomy might normalize things to some extent. Cover them up, they invite unnecessary attention, you’ll end up asking for actions which you may dread later to an extent where you might even cease to exist. This overestimation or the underestimation or the ignorance, I am not sure. And this basic realization and acceptance of this part of their body should happen in women foremost. The grief, the fear, the shame associated with it should be eradicated.
How much the opposite gender can be made aware? I’ll choose to ignore that for now, because unless you’re sure, confident, and educated about your own entity.
You can’t make others accept and respect you. Respect should be commanded, for a change if you are asking for something then let it be ‘Respect’ and this can’t happen unless you respect your own self. You can’t be sure of others’ intentions but be rest assured about your strength.
And as far as Breasts are concerned then let them breathe, thrive, live. Let covering them up to be not for Shame. Just as any other part of your body is clothed, let them be clothed but not covered. Let the veil be on Predators’ thoughts not on your existence. Well, it’s all about focusing on the fight and not on the fright, October is Breast cancer awareness month, let’s start with acceptance this time.
Acceptance of our entity, acceptance of the powerhouse of strength we are, acceptance of our courage, and of course of our Breasts as a part of our body anatomy!