It isn’t wrapped up,
It isn’t placed under the tree,
It isn’t expensive,
or need to cost a lot,
you see.
It’s within us already,
It’s there without saying
a word,
It’s a lot of tiny little things
put together,
some people may even
name it love,
It shines on its own
without being dressed in
a ribbon or bow,
not all that we are given
needs to be bought,
that much I know
You could have all you
want in this world but
nothing will make time slow,
look who you have around you,
that’s your moments,
that’s your memories,
The real gift.
All you will ever need & more
We aren’t built to be perfect.
I’m nowhere near & that’s okay.
We all have our own journey.
Following our own map.
Making our own plan.
It’s just about living your
life the best you can.
No explanations needed.
You should be proud
in all you’ve done.
Learning to own &
love your scars
is the hardest
thing you’ll ever do
but it will also be the best thing
you’ll ever do for you
Catherine Jackson