- Guest Posts and Backlinks
- Content Marketing
- Press Releases
- Listings
- Rating and Reviews
- Banner Placements
General Guidelines for Submission
- Posts should be 1,000 – 1,500+ words in length. We find this is a sweet spot with our readership, and you’ll fit in with the rest of our blog this way. Longer is good, too.
- Break up your content, so it’s easy to read. This means including headings, subheadings, bullets, etc to increase the readability of your piece.
- Write in a natural, conversational tone. We want to share content that is authoritative, but not robotic. We’re producing blog content — not Wikipedia pages, so don’t shy away from showing off your sense of humor. That said if your guest post was a movie, the highest rating we’d want to see on it is PG-13.
- All content MUST BE ORIGINAL. We do not accept duplicate or syndicated content as guest posts. If your post has appeared anywhere else on the web, we can’t publish it on our blog. If you quote other content, link to it.
- Always name your sources. We understand that you’re an expert, but our audience might not be so sure. If you’re going to drop some stats (ie: “open rates jumped 55 percent overnight”), link back to the original source.
- Take a position. If you disagree with common wisdom on a topic, talk about why the mainstream point of view is wrong or misleading. Back up your perspective with facts. Include interesting data. Support your arguments with external references.
Pricing is 25$ per guest post (1 do-follow link per post)
Customized pricing is also available for bundled links or multiple posts.
Email us if you are looking for a customized package (only available for multiple orders/link insertions)
Pricing for a featured Article (brand promotional article) is 100$ which also includes 1 complimentary do-follow link (content writing charges extra if required)
Note: Payments are to be done 100% in advance, details of which will be shared via email. The above pricing is exclusive of any transaction charges by third-party apps.
Articles are to be submitted in advance, once the team goes through and approves only then it will be sent for publication. Byline or author credits will be a regular author on the magazine unless you wish to have a permanent column upon the magazine (i.e. contribute 2 articles/month regularly)
You can email your submissions on digitalocus@gmail.com