Time sure has wings or it doesn’t?
Well, that is a much debatable topic still, for some others it moves at a snail’s pace. As we step into this brand new decade and have bid adieu to the past one. We mark a year to this wonderful journey of ‘Scribe’. If we had to describe what it had been like? Then it can be best described as a ‘roller coaster’. Since inception to this stage of having more than 250 articles upon the Magazine and more than 50 writers contributing we sure have come a long way with constant warnings of ‘Hump ahead’, it sure has been a bumpy ride but nevertheless a much content one!
As we look back and pick up the dots that followed us, they join to form a Beautifully imperfect path which we are super proud of!
Trying our best to jot down a few important dots here so that each one of you who joined us in this journey can bond better with us!

- It all started when a group of us discovered what saturation feels like and had a more profound understanding of what medium of expression is. How a little journal tucked under our pillows were replaced by our phone screens. And how a smile of appreciation got replaced by red hearts. We came across many youngsters especially, who had taken the red heart business very seriously. There already existed a lot of online Magazines and portals which provides the opportunity and a platform to put across the thoughts that ransack your mind!

- So what is that which would make us different? What is that which would give you the confidence of trusting us with your content, your thoughts, your perspectives? Well here we borrowed from our constitution itself! ‘By the people, of the people, for the people!’ we don’t stress on any format whatsoever and result? Amazing stories, ideas, perspectives straight from the heart. Unadulterated, authentic, soulful content, because real is rare 😉

- We started with an article ‘new beginnings’ put together by the team. We just tried to put across what we best are and what our perspective actually is. We continued with a couple of friends contributing with a few more articles. There were days when there wasn’t a single article to go up the magazine. There were days when we scraped rock bottom. There were nights planning and plotting what would we do? And then there turned out to be days where we went crazy sorting out the schedule Coz we were bombarded with articles. Through all this pandemonium there is one person who kept pushing us and wouldn’t allow us to give up we call him the ‘soul’ of Scribe!
- We consider ourselves blessed and lucky we had been approached by writers who wanted to speak on Social issues! Issues which don’t belong to your comfort zone. Issues which people hesitate talking in open. But what we often forget is that these social issues are a part of our life, they are a part of who we are. We feel super proud when we read these socially relevant articles on the Magazine and grateful to the writers for providing us with such insightful perspectives! You may ask why then call it a lifestyle magazine? Well, aren’t these social issues a part of our lives?

- Each one of us have a cluster of dreams, thoughts, imaginations being a kid! As we grow up we tend to compromise on them and many other priorities take their place. But then a few of us dare to reimagine them and give them a second chance. We’re super proud of these lot who had the courage and will to pursue them all over again. On our category ‘person n personal’ we have stories of such superhumans whose capes aren’t visible often, nevertheless they are made up of all that superhero material. We have tried being a platform to a 5-year-old to a 50-year-old. We have had awesome philosophies on life from Therapists to housewives! The beautiful gang of food bloggers brought their kitchen to the whole world effortlessly. And we still go by the norm that homemakers Don’t work officially, do we?
Ironical as it may get, though we’re a magazine we don’t have enough words to thank all these lovely humans who joined us in this journey of giving thoughts, perspectives, and opinions a voice.
Continuing through the same path, this new year we plan on doing better things for our creative community such as more contests, interactive events, brand associations, social initiatives & more. So more people get the exposure and recognition their work truly deserves.
Here’s to the end of decade but yet another new beginning. Here’s to 2020. Here’s to Scribe!