We so often get caught up in the little things in life. How will we manage this? How will we afford this? What will happen if this happens? I’m that person also. I know I am!
Then we become entangled in a beautiful event most recently for myself, a family wedding. Chaos could be happening out with that space but nothing could touch the love that surrounded the happy couple & the whole room.
Don’t sweat the small stuff. That’s what they say I’m sure. Easier said than done, say the rest. But why don’t we listen to that voice? Allow that inner voice out to scream & shout. To speak the truth on all that you feel.
We strive towards the moments that make the most memories but not taking notice of all the in-between bits of life too. We may stress out & worry about how we will manage to get it all done. But somehow we do & it works out exactly how it’s supposed to.
So, while sharing that special night with the stunning new Mr & Mrs, completely surrounded by pure love & happiness.
Scanning the room with people chatting with one another, smiling from ear to ear, dancing their hearts out. Memories made beyond words that will last a lifetime.
We must remember to take it all in.
Whatever it is in life.
An occasion, event, day out, anytime spent with those you love the most. Witness it, take it & hold on to it.
We never know what life holds for us next.
Even from day to day things in life can change. Never mind thinking years from now. It’s the here & now that matters.
Always remember to come back to the moment. This time we have is all we have.
I hope however you find yourself in this life & in this world. You know a bit of happiness, kindness & love. You are worthy of it all!
It doesn’t need to be something big to be enough or be beautiful. You set out what you want no matter how big or small it may be.
We won’t ever be perfect. We won’t ever get it all exactly right but we can keep trying. Keep pushing forward. You realize quickly you are all that you are for a reason & you really have all you need staring right in front of you. We hope that this life offers us many snow globe moments. Many moments surrounded by nothing but simple love. Each face beaming back at you with pride. If only that feeling could be bottled. We could share with those that don’t have that support system anymore for whatever reason or even from no fault of their own.
We can all struggle from time to time. We can all have bad days & low moments but it’s how we deal & approach them that matters. How we find a way to make each day a little better than before. They say “YOLO” meaning you only live once but if you think of it differently we die once & live everyday.
Keep that in mind, keep making memories & most importantly keep being YOU!
Catherine Jackson