Erotica is one of the most misunderstood, misinterpreted, and misused genres. Still, it is so pure, surreal, and authentic. Recently I got to read love lust by Rashid white! After reading the book twice, I am writing this review. Such enthralling was the content. It’s all lovable emotions!
The uniqueness lies in the way the author carries the genre. While writing erotica, it should be kept in mind that it doesn’t pose as obscenity, hurting large sentiments by going against the community guidelines. But the way the author paints the words on a canvas makes the readers feel each line. Each moment is unique in itself, thereby doing justice to the genre!
The book’s title is tempting, luring readers to opt for it. It takes one through a hormonal ride of ecstasy, providing an opportunity for some romantic, honest, and majestic work.
Another interesting aspect that made me feel praiseworthy for the book is the beautiful use of images related to the poems. Damn! They hit the right chord. SIMPLY PUT, ” SPOT ON”
Keeping the style in mind (poetry), there is no scope for Predictability. Each snippet is unique in its own way, and one simply can’t predict what’s within it without reading it.
Writing style
I would like to take a bow for first choosing such a genre which requires a lot of courage. The author has used a lot of abbreviations skillfully, adding a pinch of humor wherever possible and easing out things with his conversational style at places!
The cost of the book is very nominal for the amazing content it delivers. So it’s time to add this read onto your bookshelf. Trust me, it’s dopamine, oxytocin, adrenaline, and all sort of hormonal rise with lots of feelings and brutal honesty embedded.
The book is purely content-driven and a worthy treat for readers across age limits. Love, lust, and fantasy are beyond age! Taking the reader along the tour of the world of romance, passion, love, desire, and all its forms, searching for motivation, inspiration, and idealism through a different perspective, and highlighting brutal honesty is commendable! Some poetries may tempt the readers to skip, but again it’s manageable as there are a bunch of other better counterparts!.
It’s appreciable to come out with something like this. To write with passion and authenticity and take the readers on a nostalgic ride, haha! Not being obscene is praiseworthy, and I believe the author has done it in style. The ethical dilemmas between reality check and idealism, the dark side versus the better half, have been beautifully dealt with, with the undertone of humor cutting in.
Written by: Manav Aggarwal