We come through the festive period into a fresh new year with new beginnings on the horizon. New months to make plans & set out goals to meet & achieve.
As much as it’s important to set out for all that’s to come. We must at first take in all that has been.
All that we have gone through to get to this very moment we have now arrived too. The struggles, the fight & energy we have into things & places can’t be left unnoticed. It’s best to address all that has happened, all that the last year has thrown in your way before then making a clean slate for a new one.
Not everything you’ve had to go through will be as easy to move on from. Some will follow you for years to come but just know that it’s ok. It’s ok that certain things you have been through can’t just be fixed even if we wished they could be. Even though the reminder of having it there can weigh heavy on your heart it’s also a reminder of your strength & how much it took to get here & still be standing.
So whether a never-ending pandemic, it’s old, new, or existing relationships with family or friends, a lifestyle change, a new venture, a business idea or you’re simply just ready to hit the reset button on a little of everything. You remember you’re doing it for YOU!
Let go of those people that are toxic & don’t bring happiness & joy to your inner circle. It’s hard. Believe me, it’s hard but you slowly begin to realize not only your worth but a smaller circle doesn’t necessarily mean an empty one, it can be full with the right amount of love even with just a select few.
Write your goals & keep at it no matter what anyone has to say. If they’re not fighting in your corner, giving you support & pushing you to go further as you would equally for them then really they are just in the way. Of course, everyone has their own thoughts & opinions which is fine. You are always going to know in a way how people feel but if they decide to choose to put more effort into listing the negatives before seeing what you can actually do then they aren’t your people. Everyone has their tribe, you just have to find where you belong.
Even going into 2022, you’d hope you would have everything all sorted out & know exactly what the future holds. If I’m honest I turned 30 last year & still don’t have a clue.
All I know is in the here & now no matter what happens next. I’ve experienced some of the best times in my life & equally some of the very worst but I’m truly lucky to have who I have around me. A beautiful man with a heart of gold surrounded by our close amazing family & few good friends. Could some aspects of my life be a little better? Absolutely! Could I now & again give myself a break from things I can’t change? Sure! Could I learn to trust in all that happens & know that no matter what I’m doing my best & that’s all I can do? YES!
The moral of all this is, don’t stop living life while trying to figure it all out because really we might never get all the answers to the questions we have. We might need to just find a way through it all without a proper understanding. But you can’t lose yourself or all you have built. You are so important even if you don’t think so. Getting up & facing each day is with all that’s still going on in the world with a pandemic, Covid & even the talk of new variants. We hear more & more of Omicron each day & with those numbers rising as well as people’s worry & New Year anxiety. We somehow have to find a way through it all. We have experienced so much over these last few years that it could be so easy to lose ourselves amongst all & lose sight of who we strive to be.
Just know that this is still your life, you may be your own worst enemy but you are your only competition. Don’t do it for anyone if you aren’t doing it for yourself. A year of ‘ New Beginnings’ even if you’re still carrying through some of the old ones like I think we will all forever be bound by these particular few years. Remember you are strong, maybe not perfect but you are trying even to make tomorrow a little better than today.
Kind regards,
A woman trying very hard to still figure it all out but in realising life is a journey for a reason, you have to take it all in & push on through…
Catherine Jackson