Why would I be bothered?
When clearly you don’t care.
Why would I put energy into something?
When all I get back is fresh air.
Why would I give you the time of day?
When you’re the one that chooses to stay away.
Why would I keep any of the secrets you told?
When the first chance you get is to show your hand & fold.
Why would any of my words mean a thing?
When I was only in it for love.
You were in it to win.
Why would I carry the light through the darkness?
When you’re clearly not wanting to be saved.
Why would I offer another olive branch?
When you’ve snapped all the other ones I’ve given.
Why would I put myself at risk?
When you get off with a close shave time & time again.
Why would I keep my ears open?
When your behaviour has been wearing beyond thin.
Why would I explain or try to change our latest chapters?
When your part in this story is like a broken record playing the same thing.
It will continue to be one-sided.
My part in this game won’t ever begin.
So, somehow you have a problem with my size.
I don’t see what’s wrong in my eyes.
I slip into something I’m comfy & confident in.
I didn’t ask for your negative comments.
I don’t care about your vile opinions.
You want to know what’s really wrong in this scenario.
If you feel like you have the right to shame me & you’re going make sure I know.
We live in such a cruel world as it is.
Why do you feel like you need to add to this?
Think before you give someone a piece of your mind. Focus your energy.
What’s that doing to that person inside?
If you can do anything,
A little thing at all.
Just choose to be kind.