Tough Love
I am starting to realise that love and self-healing are essential when growing and learning with another.
You must Band-Aid yourself back together every day.
Not because they are being toxic or hurtful intentionally,
but because you are letting someone in with the walls down lovingly.
Believe me, it is scary. People are not equipped to handle letdowns anymore.
Try every day to let them in a little more than before, so long as they show—
even when flustered and tired from a long day—they are still trying to be there.
For more on Poetry and quotes follow Rashid White
A Moment
God. If I am lucky. One day someone will
Like to understand my story.
Won’t be intimidated by trying to learn me.
I don’t like disappointments.
There will come a day
when the open door behind a person won’t
look so alluring.
A day when I can enjoy the
face of someone instead of their backside
A day when I wake to support.
There will be a time when I share a pot of tea,
enjoy the stillness of the air beside you, an era when I transition from the shelf of cold cases.
A moment in which my self-worth isn’t acknowledged by only me.
Hills were not meant for people to explore and die on.
They are mountains we are meant to overcome together.
One day, at the peak, someone will love as you were shown to love from God.
If I am lucky, they will fight for me and not turn their back on me.