We have arrived in 2023! After all the celebration, amazing family time & fabulous food we may or may have not indulged in.
We are often giving time & space to reflect not even just on the year that’s past but in life in general.
We are so quick to put added pressure on ourselves to have everything sorted without actually taking a minute just to simply think of ourselves.
As much as it’s great to keep motivated & strive towards achieving goals & resolutions you have made. It’s also equally as important to be alright within yourself. I should probably tell myself my own words now & again, I’m my own worst enemy when it comes to wanting to push & do more.
Sometimes I just need to remind myself to breathe.
If you find yourself worrying, stressing or even disappointed that you aren’t further along in life than you think you should be.It’s okay & I know that sounds easy to say if you think you’re failing & behind on everything but that’s the thing we have no set path, there may be a goal or something you want to reach but if at the moment it seems like it’s out of reach then it’s okay too.
You’re not in competition with anyone, we all face our own path, our own choices, come across troubles & heartbreak, experience love as well as loss, feel like you’ve got it all figured out one minute then feel like the world is crumbling down around you the next, we may be the project of our own destiny but it doesn’t mean we all arrive there at once.
So, each day that passes that you tell yourself you’re not good enough or you haven’t made a difference or done enough with your life, just hold onto these few things that I probably should tell myself more often;
You will get there – life has chapters for a reason, don’t rush to skip a few just because you think you aren’t where you’re supposed to be, it’s a journey, and you’ll get there.

Don’t rush – it will always seem that those close to you, friends, family or anyone around you, has there life all sorted out, maybe kids & married, working & holidays every other year, house & pets, everything you could ever want & imagine, which is amazing but what is also amazing is all that you are & you owning your own point that you are in life right now, you’ve got this.
Just do you – if it’s making you happy, then more of that please, if it fills you up & fires your heart, more of that please, if it settles you & gives you peace, more of that please, if it energises you & motivates you, more of that please, if it gives you something even if it’s not what everyone is is doing, never stop being you.
Whatever way you step into 2023, just know even if you don’t have it all planned out or if you have a bucket list ready & waiting to tick off, just know you are STILL YOU & THAT’S MORE THAN ENOUGH!!!
Catherine Jackson