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Saudade: A Sneak Peek of the book project

Dear Reader, I need you to understand that for the past 23 years, I have learned under fires that have forged me the need to evolve and look beyond myself. I have been fighting an ongoing battle. I suppose the entire world has a desperation for a sense of longing, whether it be a person or a thing that sustains the void. I suppose we grow desperate and feel alone when the threat of that thing is taken from us; which in turn, makes us create doubt within truths we have once known between another.

Writing from my soul in hopes you are listening, in hopes that one day, you respond. I’m writing this to get the closure that was never given in the physical realm of the mind, body, and soul. This is my dedication to you. A letter to you and only you. Everyone else can read and draw their own conclusions, but they will never understand. We both understand the discernment we were blessed with.

I once lived a life of solitude. Only depending on myself. Stubbornly straying away from accepting the help of others. It was easier that way. I still don’t like feeling indebted to people now. It is rare for human beings to genuinely support you without there being a catch 22. If you ever find those people… listen to me well and cherish them and allow them to support you until you are uncomfortably comfortable delegating so that you can build something unconditional.

I want to support and build with you. Staying on an island by yourself to figure out life is not the answer to life. Once lived, a life outside of solitude, things can never transition backward. Keep moving forward outside of yourself. You are no longer going on alone. Distrusting and closed off from the world. Someone or something has hurt you, and I’m sorry for the hurt that you feel. I am sorry for what has been done to you.

This is the sign that you are looking for. Maybe you didn’t expect this, and maybe you did. Maybe we are always looking for something in every other direction than the one that matters. I hope this points you in the right direction.
You were meant to read these words, my truth.
All I ask is that you internalize them and (try) to trust me.

Conflict: Video visual of the poem from my book project
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The video visual of the poem Conflict, is derived from the same sneak peek of Rashid White’s book project Saudade. This video visual articulates the tension of toxicity in relation with somewhere one out the two in the partnership is trying to save the failing relationship. This visual and poem come before the Amora poem that was that has already been published. This poem portrays the efforts of a male unconditionally loving his female partner during the lows of the relationship. Today’s new-age lovers struggle to accept the fact that love doesn’t come easy and isn’t all rainbows and sunshine. One must work, grow, and build together— even lover harder in those moments when the two are out of sync. Leaving the male to question what their partner’s internal conflict is that prevents her from accepting this love.

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Mentor, Coach, and Consultant focusing on liberation of minds through radical self-love & acceptance through interpersonal reflection. Join & Journey with me!

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