Fumes of what were once family
Live within this frame— not all
Grave diggers architect robberies
Mornings begin with the removal
Of the outer crust, an oceanic rinse
Upon tectonic plates— the true face
You found in mornings while breathing,
Sifting through your muscle tissue search—
For that recharge of inner core to secrete
Your energy outwardly. We wonder where the
Mantle hides. How the coils expand and heat
Recedes into a new beginning— awakenings.
Just like mornings—begins with kiss of Breath (the sun)
touch of the blinds that creeps open to start the daily ceremony
This alchemic ritual of gases, liquids, metals, & substances
Be a way of life— a dire necessity—an unapologetic unrest
Both by the people & for the people— a civic submissive duty
Ain’t nothing like a good breakfast in the morning on a fire stove!