When I am gone, let my spirit roam free.
I’ll illuminate the sky.
Cherish a memory and let’s celebrate.
Let’s smile, let’s cook, let’s talk, let’s dance, let’s connect.
Paint constellations of your memories with me.
I don’t want to see you weeping.
Commemorate my presence with you, whether you felt like no one should’ve.

Raise glasses in your delicate hands. Fluorescent gunpowder converted into fireworks.
Treat it as my wedding day. With God.
Floating lanterns, flames flourishing.
Music playing, lights flashing.
We celebrate.
Don’t mourn.
Let the flames spell out your name.
So that you too shall know.
Dreams do come true.
Brighten the sky.
And let’s just party like it’s June 4th, 1995.