I pray you get back together again.
I pray that your toxic thoughts in your mind don’t pollute you any
I pray you find confidence and self-worth/love in moving towards your purpose.
I pray you stop
running away.
I pray you stop entertaining dudes that treat you as a piece of meat.
I pray you realise that
you are worth it.
You are enough.
You are beautiful.
You are kind.
You are inspiring.
You are wonderful.
You are wanted.
You are loved.
You are wanted.
You are fought for.
You are cherished.
You are desired.
I pray you accept that nothing is pointless. I pray you find the beauty in everything.
There is beauty out of climbing out of the darkness that wants you lost and depressed.
It’s called a journey for a reason.
Personal development ain’t easy for no one.
It’s scary and you are no longer
going on alone.
If you ever feel unwanted, unloved, undesirable, and insignificant.
You will not find those things here.
There is no judgement when you pray and when you step into this space with me.
Step into this comfort zone.
The willingness to grow and accept you unapologetically.
Carriage of life as your rider.
This safety net of security blanketed arms. I pray the same things for me too.
I pray you whole and healed anew, if I can be selfish, I pray you’re willing to journey with me too.