Teenager feels alone—no father at home
A ripple in a tideless void still searching for
A solution— Teenager wonder what guidance through exponential
Fluxes in testosterone looks like. Teenager nomad stuck on pilgrimage
Journeying through the tsunamis of both hyper &
Toxic masculinity. Why are we bullied for being vulnerable?
Teenager wonder how many decades it took for the Letters of
Jim Crow, to take away our crowns. Teenager can’t unsee the
Traumas of slave state in the word CROWn. Like for every Crown
Is a CROW. Teenager wonder if we ever even noticed the implied slavery.
Teenager learned the art of silence a long time ago. We get reprimanded
For speaking our truths. Why in today’s cancel culture we still canceling our voices?
Teenager got 2 lil’ sisters & lil’ bro. Teenager got to be best example of a man.
So teenager lil’ sisters have a higher standards for companionship. On the days
Teenager is able to converse with his lil’ bro, it is a struggle. Phone calls feel like
Collection calls when trying to fill a void we both are missing in men & ghosts of fathers.
Teenager tries, but God knows these hats ain’t easy to wear.
So many hopes, dreams, got to stay grounded, Teenager a caged bird
Without being inside of one… to teenager’s siblings: Teenager loves you.
Even in our silence/ division across state lines— Teenager here with you.