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The Wasteland Watchlist: 80 for Brady (2023)

What season is it?

Football! The NFL playoffs are one of the biggest periods of time in American culture with millions of people spending hours watching the best teams in the league going toe-to-toe for the championship. This has always caused a challenge for films as so many people are sticking at home to watch these huge games making it hard to head back out to the theater as well. But sometimes studios can queue into some strong counter-programming and I think they found the perfect balance this year with 80 for Brady

Why is this one a perfect balance for counter-programming against the NFL playoffs?

Generally, older women are a demographic that the NFL is not known for commanding. But 80 for Brady not only focuses on a group of 80-something-year-old women but it is all about their own journey to go to the Super Bowl. Perfect balance! This is a great true story that is full of potential. Generally, that wonderful story does deliver (and then some!). The biggest drawback of this wonderfully comedic sports drama is that it goes to CRAZY places. You certainly have to suspend your disbelief at almost every turn and more often as the film keeps going. If you can get past that, you will have a great time. 

Why is 80 for Brady such a great time?

This film is genuinely hilarious. An impressive 90% of the jokes really land along the way and provide so many great laughs. Not only is the film quite funny, but there are also some moments that hit some genuine emotion. There are some elements to the story that don’t surprise but they make plenty of space to inspire and move the audience. The earnestness of this film makes it easier to get past the fact that this film is quite ludicrous. The charm is off the charts and that is delightful. 

Who are the ones that really make this film soar?

The cast. This quad squad of legendary actresses elevates this wonderful story with their incredible talent. How couldn’t they? Sally Field is the earnest little grandma that we all wish we had. She just might be the smartest one in the room (even when she does know what to call a fanny pack). Rita Moreno is charismatic as heck as she charms her way through the film. Jane Fonda is the cool sexy grandma of the group as she grabs the attention of men left and right (especially with her Gronk erotica). But Lily Tomlin is the anchor that holds the whole film together as she is saddled with the most depth and material to work with. Shoutout to the laundry list of amazing cameos and even those Pats Nation guys who are great running gags. 

But it is all about Brady, right?

But when all is said and done, 80 for Brady is a funny and meaningful comedy that you can enjoy at all ages.

I never thought that a movie could ever make me care about Tom Brady (I am a die-hard Giants fan). Well…this one succeeded. Does the film stick to a PR stunt for Tom Brady? Sure. Does it feel obnoxious at times with home much pandering there is to Brady? Sure. But there is still enough earnestness to the friends’ dynamic that it comes together in the end. He honestly does a fine job with his acting too.

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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