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The Wasteland Watchlist: List of Best Christmas Holiday Movies

This is the season to be jolly and joyous! The holiday season is full of love and family…and plenty of other things. What are those other things? Those other things really depend on who you are, right? We each have the special things that make this time of year special for us. For me? That is easy…the movies! There are so many iconic and beloved films that channel the spirit of the season. Here are a few of The Wasteland Reviewer’s favorite Christmas holiday movies’ picks for the holiday season…

Happiest Season

Who is ready for a good shake-up of the old, tired holiday rom-com? Mackenzie Davis and Kristen Stewart anchor this ensemble romance from Hulu. Stewart “plays” the friend to Davis when they head home for the holidays. What follows is lies, flirting, and relatable familial drama just in time for the holidays. A jammed-packed ensemble full of charm and charisma makes this a must-watch rom-com with some surprising emotional depth as well. But I will continue to ship Stewart’s Abby and Aubrey Plaza’s Riley even if that is not what the film wants to offer. Here’s the Happiest Season review.

Love Actually

Isn’t this the quintessential ensemble rom-com of any holiday season? There are so many wonderful storylines to enjoy in Love Actually. They give you laughs; they make you cry, and some even might get you really riled up (looking at you the late great Alan Rickman!). How could they do Emma Thompson so dirty? With wonderful highlights from Hugh Grant, Liam Neeson, and Billy Nighy, each story injects charm, holiday spirit, and love. Some might not age as well (Andrew Lincoln and workplace romances) but the overall tone is sweet and endearing. One of the perfect Christmas holiday movies for the season!

The Santa Clause

Tim Allen ruled the 90’s, didn’t he? The Santa Clause finds Allen at this comedic best as he is a new age and cool Santa (not as cool as Kurt Russell Santa BUT ZZ Top playing Santa is still quite cool). Allen is his perfect snarky self (I laugh so much every time I watch this movie) but will soon learn the power of the Christmas season. After he accidentally kills Santa (yeah…it goes there), he must take over the role which makes him a better father and a better man. Pop this one in and enjoy all the charm, snark, and weird sound that comes out of Allen’s mouth.

Anna and the Apocalypse

Is this one the most obscure of all my picks? This one might not be the most well-known of holiday films but it sure packs plenty of things to love. Take the holiday season and add in musical numbers (not too strange) …and zombies (those might be a bit different). Ella Hunt leads this amazing cast of young actors in Anna and the Apocalypse to deliver some pitch-perfect musical numbers and fun action sequences. The songs are so catchy that I cannot help but still listen to them years after seeing this film for the first time. Do yourself a favor and seek out this hidden gem!

Home Alone

Who even came up with this concept…and who saw it to make it the highest-grossing film of that year? Home Alone is such an odd film that captures the creative magic of John Hughes and Chris Columbus to deliver an endearing and funny romp. An iconic child performance from Macauley Culkin anchors this comedy as he straight brutalizes two idiotic robbers (played with great timing by Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern). It is hard not to love this classic tale of bad parenting and attempted manslaughter. Put those things behind you and just enjoy the wonderful Christmas cheer and be jealous of young Kevin’s holiday solitude.


SAAAANTAAAA!!!! Do you know him? Buddy the Elf does, and he is ready to spread the holiday cheer. Will Ferrell seems like the weirdest choice to be a sweet and endearing elf trying to find his real father in Elf. Somehow Jon Favreau can find all the Christmas charm and deliver this earnest holiday film that balances raunchy moments with homages to the great Rankin & Bass classics. Ferrell is matched by the sweet voice of Zoey Deschanel as well as the veteran charm of Bob Newhart and Ed Asner (rest in peace). This might be a downright silly movie…but sometimes you just need that so you can enjoy the wonderful charm of the season.

It’s a Wonderful Life

Is this the most iconic and genuinely great “film” on this entire list? Not only is this film a mainstay of the Christmas airwaves every single year but it is also a classic film from legendary artists Frank Capra and James Stewart. It’s a Wonderful Life tells the story of a desperate man who thinks he only has one way out of a tough situation. But an angel has other plans. Audiences are taken on a journey through the life of George Bailey as well as their dark existence as if he never existed. There is humor, emotion, and stakes so make sure to make a tradition of watching this classic piece of cinema.

The Nightmare Before Christmas

This one seems a bit familiar…doesn’t it? This is my second-holiday list (with Halloween coming before it) and it just so happens that The Nightmare Before Christmas is a classic for both seasons! What’s This? is one of the most fun songs to capture the spirit and traditions of the Christmas holiday. We even get Santa Claus to boot! The world that Tim Burton created, and Henry Selick directed is a visual wonder. Packed full of music, crazy characters, and endless style, this stop motion masterpiece is a wonderful joy to watch in both October and December!

Die Hard

Can we just put the debates to rest? Die Hard is a Christmas movie! It takes place at a holiday party. The score is full of Christmas tinges, and they play Christmas songs as well. The whole story is about reconnecting with your loved ones for the holidays. Oh…and there are guns, explosions, and tons of action too! Alan Rickman appears on this list again (both times as a villain but we like Hans Gruber). Bruce Willis still cared and acted the hell out of this film. Could this be the greatest action film of all time? Sure, can be argued and it sure can be argued that it is one of the greatest Christmas holiday movies as well!

The Muppet Christmas Carol

Did you see this one coming? This is my #1 Christmas film of all. It is not the holiday season without me watching The Muppet Christmas Carol with my mom. I sing along to all the songs (especially “Marley and Marley ” because Statler and Waldorf are the best). The Muppets know how to bring any story to life in a special way. Gonzo makes for a surprisingly convincing Charles Dickins as he tells the story of Scrooge and his life-changing evening with three ghosts. Michael Caine is the most iconic of all the Scrooges as he balances malicious apathy and genuine cheer and heart. The film is silly, fun, warm, and loving, and is the single greatest embodiment of the Christmas season.

Honorable Mention(s)…All the Rankin & Bass classics!

They might not be feature-length films, but they are sure the most wonderful little gems to watch every December. The stop-motion animation is iconic, and the songs are everlasting. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (and his Shiny New Year), Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town, The Year Without a Santa Claus, Frosty the Snowman, and The Little Drummer Boy…enjoy them all!

To all reading, this article…have a wonderful holiday season, and watch some of your favorite Christmas holiday movies to get into the holiday spirit!

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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