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The Wasteland Watchlist: List of best romantic movies

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, who is ready to watch some cinematic romances? We all have our ways of celebrating the holiday with those most special to us and (of course) mine always involves movies. Picking one of our favorite romance movies each and watching them as a double feature has always worked for my fiancée and me (The Princess Bride and Forgetting Sarah Marshall…but we will discuss them shortly). But what are some of my favorite romance films? Check out this list to find out!

The Princess Bride

Is there any other film out there as perfectly balanced and crafter than Rob Reiner’s The Princess Bride? This film has just about everything. There are sword fights, creatures, horror, comedy, and of course “twue wove”. This is indeed “one of those kissing books” as our sickly child expertly points out to his grandfather but the love is so sweet and genuine that you cannot help but root for them. This film is so old-fashioned and even has fun with that fact along the way. This pitch-perfect cast is attractive and charismatic leads to the perfect combo of grandson and grandfather to the inspired casting choices that fill out the supporting cast. The cinematic magic you experience with Westley, Buttercup, Inigo, Fezzik, and everyone else is so wonderful!


Do you remember this endearing and wonderful Best Picture nominee from a few years back? Brooklyn sees rising star Saoirse Ronan as a talented young Irish woman who makes the big leap to come to America. Ronan’s beautiful and charming performance anchors this immigrant tale; she finds herself stuck behind a new life with an Italian American man and her life with her family and a well-off suitor back in Ireland. This classily made drama is full of charm and beauty as it features genuine emotion, love, and enough weight to deliver earned dramatic stakes. You cannot help but fall in love with Ronan’s Eilis and want to navigate this cinematic journey with her.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Sometimes a fun romance can start with some heartbreak, right? Jason Segal leads the way in this romantic comedy about a lazy composer who is dumped by his famous actress girlfriend. It turns out to be a tough go when Peter is Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Director Nicholas Stoller offers up a comedy jam-packed with plenty of gags, hilarious supporting characters, and endlessly quotable lines. Segal is vulnerable to perfection as he garners plenty of sympathy from the audience and gets plenty of laughs out of them too. With a stacked ensemble featuring the likes of Kristen Bell, Russell Brand, Mila Kunis, Paul Rudd, Bill Hader, and more, this break-up flick turned romance deals with plenty of relatable love beats. If you haven’t checked out this flick before, you are in for a hilarious treat.

Crazy Stupid Love 

What ensemble romantic comedy stands out the most among this robust subgenre? Crazy Stupid Love brings together the impressive talents of Steve Carrell, Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone, Julianne Moore, and more! This romantic comedy can offer up plenty of romance and humor while it balances a variety of love stories. Carrell’s Cal is dumped by Julianne Moore’s Moore leading to a time of rediscovery and a wonderful glow-up thanks to Ryan Gosling’s classy Jacob. But Jacob has his own journey of letting his guard down with Emma Stone’s Hannah. Not all the threads in the film aged well (this kid and babysitter love story feels awkward now). But when it comes down to it, the humor and the charismatic cast make this a wonderfully fun ride with plenty of romance to offer.

Before Sunrise

It takes a special kind of film to be nothing but the dialogue and still compel the audience for the whole film, doesn’t it? Richard Linklater has made a whole career of making films all about the characters and dialogue and Before Sunrise put him on the map. Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy are pitch-perfect lovebirds who just so happen to meet on a train. Over the course of one night, these two young people develop a genuine and poignant connection through their honesty and openness. Their conversations cover so much ground from books to music to former crushes to their deepest perspectives on love and life. An engrossing gaze into the growth of a beautiful love story, Before Sunrise is a unique experiment that is incredibly successful. But this was just the beginning as Linklater, Hawke, and Delpy delivered one of the greatest trilogies in the history of cinema. 

Treat yourself to some love and cinema this Valentine’s Day! These are just a few of my favorites that can spark some love and inspiration.

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. James

    February 17, 2022 at 10:59 am

    The Before Sunrise trilogy is my absolute favorite

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