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Cinema & Films

Best Films From 1906

Welcome to The Cinematic Wasteland! This is where one person’s passion for films will take you through the history of cinema. Each article will focus on a year of film and highlight some of the best films to check out. Films have been around for over 100 years so here are some recommendations to declutter the field…  

The Story of the Kelly Gang

What is more intriguing than the prospect of a film lost in time? That is true for this Aussie classic film about the legendary outlaw gang known across the Outback. There is a 70+ minute film out there in the ether but for now, only 15-odd minutes exist. But those fleeting scenes and elements offer up a compelling, well-shot, and engaging crime thriller like no other film up to this point in time. The best you can do is watch the footage edited together with descriptors for everything missing…which is still worth the watch for The Story of the Kelly Gang.

Aladdin and His Wonder Lamp

Who is ready for this week’s edition of beloved classic tales turned into early film adaptations? Aladdin and His Wonder Lamp is a 12-minute adventure from the landscape of Italian cinema. There is the great production design, vibrant costumes, and magical special effects that all come together to create an exciting experience. We see the timeless tale of young Aladdin gaining wealth and all the challenges that come with it. If you love this story and want a nice bite-sized version of it, look no further than Albert Capellini’s vision.

The 400 Tricks of the Devil

It is fascinating that one scene can truly create a classic that lasts throughout the years, right? The 400 Tricks of the Devil is one such film as audiences were shocked to see a carriage ride from Hell in this epic adventure from the early days of cinema. Two men’s fates are changed forever once they are confronted by the Devil. Unfortunately, their story does not end with them escaping. When it comes to this inescapable and haunting carriage ride, the effects are key. Seeing a skeletal horse dragging this carriage was one of the most magical things I have seen on screen so far while working on this project of mine.

The Witch

Is your taste quenched for dark fantasy adventures with the last entry? If not, Georges Melies has more fun up his sleeve for you! The Witch is another longer fantasy epic that finds an adventurer, destined to save a damsel, crossing paths with an evil witch. Her pursuits become ever more dangerous for our hero as he tricks the witch along the way. Méliès is the king of effects and cinematic magic, and he certainly channels his magician background to create a magical and engaging experience that stands out in 1906 cinema.

The Haunted House

What is the best way to grab the audience’s attention at the start of a film? Offer up some iconic visuals that they will not soon forget. The Haunted House is a grotesque and monumental achievement in stop motion, special effects, makeup, and production design. The world that comes to life in this singular house is twisted and eerie. The creatures are nightmare-inducing and the house itself is shockingly creepy. This gem of early horror is so bonkers that you cannot help but be entertained.

A Desperate Crime

Who is ready for Georges Melies to get a little bit more serious? Gone are the crazy magic tricks and special effects and what is left is harrowing drama for one man imprisoned. This crime drama packs a punch as we see a prisoner locked away and experiencing the horrors of the prison system. We witness this man’s journey from prison to execution (where Melies gets to show off some of his flair for special effects). This is not a feel-good time but it sure is a moving cinematic experience.

From Leadville to Aspen: A Hold-Up in the Rockies

Who is ready for some top-tier visuals coming your way in the form of a crime thriller short? Legendary cinematographer G.W. Bitzer shoots this thrilling train robbery which offers a mix of intimate cabin shots and big outdoor locations. A Hold-Up in the Rockies is exactly that and more when you look at it from a technical perspective. We get the robbery thrills and impressive filmmaking which combine for a memorable and worthwhile experience that will only take up about 8-minutes of your time.

Fun After the Wedding

And now for some more fun? Fun After the Wedding is quite the romping time compared to so many of these other films. There are no great special effects or thrills, but it offers up plenty of fun and laughs on the shoulders of a fun ensemble. Post-wedding shenanigans can be quite fun, and this film highlights them quite well. We have broken tables, dancing, and all kinds of craziness. This film has no intentions of getting heavy or dramatic but it’s sure to offer.

Getting Evidence

We couldn’t make one of these lists without some Edwin S. Porter, right? Let’s add a little bit of mystery to the proceedings as well. Getting Evidence is all about that investigation as a private investigator investigates the wife of a man. Crisp cinematography and engrossing filmmaking make this another winner in the cap of Porter who is one of the true trendsetters of early cinema. This might not be his most iconic, but it certainly has its merits.

The Consequences of Feminism

What a bold choice this comedy was back in 1906. Honestly…would still be a little (sadly) bold in 2022. The Consequences of Feminism presents a world where all one’s gender roles are flipped. The men are effeminate and sew and cook. The women are rough and tough as they go drinking. There is plenty to laugh at when this film flips our societal expectations of gender on its head. This is one of the most unique and ambitious films on this list and certainly an interesting way to shake things up.

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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