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The Wasteland Watchlist…Pride Month

It is June! Do you know what that means? It is time to show some Pride and celebrate the LGBTQIA+ community. How will I celebrate this month? This article is going to highlight some of my favorite films that have serious queer representation. Hopefully, you will have some new films to add to The Wasteland Watchlist…

Princess Cyd

This is certainly one of the least known films on this list, isn’t it? Stephen Cone’s Princess Cyd tells the story of Cyd (Jessie Pinnick) who goes to spend the summer with her author aunt in Chicago. This is a genuine and endearing tale of their growing bond but also Cyd’s budding romance with a young woman she meets along the way. Simple and sweet, this little flick is an enjoyable ride. Side note, Pinnick really rocks that tuxedo she wears to her aunt’s party.

Call Me By Your Name

Now this is a bigger one, isn’t it? Years before his cancellation due to disturbing communications about wanting to eat people, Armie Hammer was a college student named Oliver who spent the summer eating Timothee Chalamet’s peaches…and other things. This gorgeous film from Luca Guadagnino is a moving and emotional experience from start to finish. The waves of sexual tension, passion, and sadness wash all over you perfectly. This love story between Oliver and Chalamet’s Elio is a modern classic. Let’s not forget Michael Stuhlbarg as well who almost steals the show with his show-stopping speech to Chalamet.

Portrait of a Lady on Fire

This is a fiery flick in many ways, isn’t it? Celine Sciamma took the world of international cinema by storm with this passionate and forbidden love tale. A woman who promises to marriage to a man falls in love with the painter meant to paint her portrait for her future husband. Awkward. But the intense chemistry between Noemie Merlant and Adele Haenel is something special that brings a spark to this film like a few others. Moving and poignant, this is a love affair worth experiencing.

The Favourite

You must expect something interesting from Yorgos Lanthimos, right? His period drama, The Favourite, is all kinds of darkly funny, awkward, sad, and lustful. The trio of Olivia Colman, Rachel Weisz, and Emma Stone is a top-tier love triangle that is hot and heavy all around. The period setting and design are impeccable, and the acting is incredible. There are plenty of twists and turns in this narrative as Weisz and Stone battle for the attention (and affections) and Colman’s sad and grotesque monarch.

A Fantastic Woman

What a terrible thing to process is grief, isn’t it? Loss is so much harder to process when there are others out there trying to actively make it harder for you. A Fantastic Woman is a touching and poignant story of a transwoman who must process the death of her lover while powering through the vile hatred of their judgmental family. Daniela Vega is a revelation in her role and Sebastian Lelio offers up a bold and vibrant story that he directs. One of the best trans stories on film in recent memory, this is a must-see international gem from Chile.


When does a film become truly provocative and controversial? Maybe when a nun turns a religious artifact into a dildo…yep, that is the line. Paul Verhoeven pulls ZERO punches when bringing the story of Benedetta to life. This is an intense film full of lust, death, and faith. This is a faith-based film as only Verhoeven can deliver with the story of a nun is both a lesbian who lusts for her fellow nun as well as being a prophet and protector for her village. It will be hard for you to find a film quite like Benedetta.

Blue is the Warmest Color

Oh…it is THAT movie, right? Many know Blue is the Warmest Color for its intense and graphic lesbian sex scenes ripped from pornography. But what most don’t know is how passionate and moving this love story truly is. From the moment that Emma (Lea Seydoux) and Adele (Adele Exarchopoulos) come together, you are entranced by the intensity that brings them together and pushes them apart. A true French love story, this film offers equal parts joy and tragedy. As the film comes to a head with its final scene between the two, this one will penetrate you and stay with you for a long time.

The Handmaiden

What should you expect going into Chan-wook Park’s The Handmaiden? You should expect anything and everything. There are twists upon twists in this mysterious thriller that finds itself caught up in an upper Japanese society world. There is classism and sexism to commentate on as the narrative wraps the audience around its finger. There is a steamy and unexpected bond between a handmaiden and an heiress. When the credits roll, you will find yourself shaken but only wanting more.

Love, Simon

Many times the “coming out” is the hardest part, right? Love, Simon finds Nick Robinson’s Simon living a great life…but he lacks the ability to be who he truly is. This endearing film (full of countless musical jams) is a great story about a young man trying to find the courage to be himself and come out of the closest to everyone around him, this is one of the lightest films on this list but is still one great time.


Who is the most famous gay man in all of music? That shiny crown just might sit properly on the head of Elton John himself. Rocketman is the big, vibrant musical that could be the only way to tell the story of such a figure. This biopic never once shies away from John’s sexuality (or his crazy and destructive lifestyle) as it offers up one of the most authentic portrayals of a real person put to film. It might sound odd to say authentic when people break into big bold musical numbers every other scene…but it has to be how John’s life has been, right?

Pain and Glory

What is a more perfect pair in a film than Antonio Banderas and Almodovar? There are few who can surpass them especially when they create gems like Pain and Glory. This extremely personal tale for Almodovar is vibrant and deeply emotional. A director struggles at his present age and health with the specters of his past. A love affair that is still smoldering with the man of his dreams. A childhood that his loving mother created for him. This is a layered tale that breathes real drama and truth through the incredible turn that Banderas offers up to the audience.


It is never too late to find yourself, right? Mike Mills knows that to be the case with his drama Beginners which finds a man preparing to lose his father (a man who found late in life his true self as a gay man). This might not be the central story, but Ewan McGregor’s lead must find a way to process and fully accept his father for who he is…before it is too late. There is romance, drama, and poignant themes that collide together to make this a pitch-perfect film from Mills.

The Birdcage

Is it a tad outdated? Could it be a bit problematic at times? But there is zero arguing with the absolute delight that is The Birdcage. Robin Williams and Nathan Lane are an electric on-screen couple, and Hank Azaria makes for a riotous wild card to boot. But when the uptight conservative future in-laws come into town, Williams and Lane must pretend to be the acceptable heteronormative couple they certainly are not. Take love and passion and let out plenty of laughs on this wonderful ride.

The World to Come

Forbidden lesbian love stories in period settings are a dime per dozen, aren’t they? But few of them are as stark, intense, and impactful as The World to Come. Katherine Waterston and Vanessa Kirby are pitch-perfect as they breathe genuine passion into this story. Christopher Abbott and Casey Affleck make for the perfect counterbalances for this tragic tale. Stark and gritty, this frontier story offers up plenty to sink your teeth into.


What is a universal experience in relationships? Unfortunately, that part is where you must make it through hard times. That doesn’t change for a long-term gay relationship either. Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci portray a couple struggling with the fading mind of one of them in Supernova. Their chemistry is fantastic as they breathe life into this relationship with plenty of history and scars. There is love but also grief as this moving journey plays out in a beautiful and tender direction. This is another underappreciated gem from Bleecker Street.

Death Drop Gorgeous

Finishing off with some crazy fun, shall we? Death Drop Gorgeous is a big, gay horror thrill ride with plenty of campiness and laughs to be had. This murder mystery finds a serial killer offing drag queens and leaving buckets of mutilated guts and limbs everywhere. Is it silly? Yes. Is it really low budget? Yes. But you will forget both when you are too busy laughing and having a great time. 

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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