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Cha Cha Real Smooth 2022 Movie Review

Why is love so complicated?

We can certainly try to blame Avril Lavigne (you are welcome for the dated 00s reference) but that is honestly just life. The most wide-eyed and hopeful way to look at love is that if you love someone, you will just find a way. That is fate. Life brought you both together. But timing… is the real jerk in this scenario. Love can be complicated because of timing and circumstance. We can love someone so deeply but if they are already in love with someone or distance or age are in the way, you just might not be able to make it work. That is just how life plays out sometimes. 

But who was that one for you?

Most people have probably fallen for someone that they could never be with. They could be a celebrity who you will never get a chance to connect with. They could be already in a marriage and a long-committed relationship. There could always be the chance that they are in a role of authority that would make a relationship complicated or unethical. Even a large difference in age could add complications as well. This love never to be is something that can speak to all of us and if done well, can truly captivate us. 

How is Cooper Raiff able to channel this feeling into an impactful cinematic experience?

Raiff grabbed the attention of many with S#!%house back in 2020. The film felt so real and genuine. It was not afraid to paint an imperfect world that felt more realistic than a movie one. This spoke to so many people and his latest film Cha Cha Real Smooth will certainly do the same. Raiff leverages all of his talents as he directs, writes, and stars in this new comedy drama. Raiff’s Andrew is a young man fresh out of college. He moves back home with his mom, her boyfriend, and Andrew’s young brother. Andrew occasionally engages with his own friends, but he soon begins spending most of his time trying to inspire his brother, lead the party at Bar Mitzvahs, and build a connection with a young mother and her autistic daughter. That is where the complication begins. 

Who is the center of Andrew’s new pining affection?

From the opening scene, Andrew is presented as a young boy who falls for an older woman. That attraction never falters as he falls in love with this younger mother (Dakota Johnson). The film is so engaging in the way this budding connection plays out. Cha Cha Real Smooth lives by its character dynamics and Raiff is able to flesh them out with his great characters. Domino is alluring and charismatic. She has a quieter demeanor, but Andrew knows how to get her attention. The spark between Raiff and Johnson is impeccable and sells this (potentially) doomed-to-fail love. But Domino’s life is complicated (much more than her 22-year-old counterpart floating through the world). Raiff knows how to play out this narrative while keeping the audience attached while being real and genuine. 

But what are the other dynamics that stand out in Cha Cha Real Smooth?

The real heart of this film is the relationship between Andrew and Lola (Domino’s daughter). Vanessa Burghardt is so genuine as Lola and combined with Raiff, they make for a wonderful pair to watch on screen. Their connection is endearing and sweet as Lola slowly drops her wall to let Andrew in. The audience will latch onto the budding romance between Andrew and Domino, but they will probably fall in love with Andrew and Lola’s dynamic. Then you have Andrew’s newly rediscovered connection with his brother. They share a room and Andrew consistently shares his not-so-great advice with the little man. They share some heartwarming and sad moments on screen that truly deliver thanks to the chemistry between Raiff and young Evan Assante. Throw in some talented work from Leslie Mann as Andrew’s mother and we have plenty of relatable and fleshed-out character dynamics that fill out this story of forbidden love and finding oneself. 

What makes Raiff’s latest offering a must-see?

Genuine is the best word to describe this film all around making for a sometimes unexpected but always impactful experience. 

Cha Cha Real Smooth is a pitch-perfect offering for Apple TV+. The direction is full of life and energy (you never once feel this film lagging). The writing is sharp and dynamic as it balances plenty of layered characters with a wide range of engaging dynamics. The acting ensemble is off the charts with Johnson giving what might be a career-best and Burghardt offering up a starring turn. The film delivers a resonant story without undercutting itself with too much cinematic sentiment.

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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