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Cinema & Films

Mads recommends for Home Quarantine: Movie Edition

Hey there! Hope everyone is doing fine. Times are tough, hours are long, each passing day seems like a bore. But there’s so much you can do to take your mind of this pandemic. Like how about you check out some of these movies that I’m gonna recommend? They’re all happy and feel-good movies (almost) and specially curated to bring a smile to your face. Who knows, you might probably end up loving it just like me!


We could all use a little bit of positivity, can’t we? And this film is brimming with that and humor and much more. The film follows the road trip of a dysfunctional family that results in a variety of hilarious situations. Honestly, this is the perfect film for someone who’s down with a case of blues. There are a few sad scenes but it’s a part of the story that teaches each one of the family a lesson. With the perfect cast and charming story ‘Little Miss Sunshine’ is sure to cheer you up.


Whether it’s the adorable puppets or the skillful animation that make us forget that we’re watching clay move – stop motion animation movies have carved a niche of their own. And ‘Kubo and the Two Strings’ is very much under the radar film that deserves some recognition. It tells a beautiful folktale of a brave boy and his companions who is in search of the evil Moon King. With a charming voice cast and masterful soundtrack ‘Kubo and the Two Strings’ will transport you to ancient Japan and put you right in the midst of Kubo’s adventure.


What could possibly go wrong in a fun and friendly game night? One gang have the night of their lives when their game night takes a turn for the worse. This is one of those perfect comedies that make the best use of the situation rather than using comedic farces and cliche dialogues. The story is riddled with a twist and turns with many laugh out loud moments owing mainly due to the great Jason Bateman and Rachel McAdams. It definitely deserves to be known more.

AMÉLIE (2001)

Everyone needs a little French romance in their lives. And I present to you that in the form of ‘Amélie’, the enchanting tale of Amélie Poulain and the changes she brings to the people around her. Seriously this film is too beautiful for words. The film boasts of a soothing background score and amazing cinematography that seems to make the film flow like a river. Somebody stop me… I can’t stop praising this film.


Enough with the lovey-dovey stuff lets some carnage and death metal. In short, this film is an adrenaline rush. The film follows the escape of Imperator Furiosa (badass Charlize Theron) and Max (gruff Tom Hardy) with five young ladies from the evil Immortan Joe. With eye-catching visuals and heart-pounding chase sequences ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ is a technical marvel that is much more than a normal action film. Even if you don’t like action films I definitely urge you to check this one out.


Is it a mystery? Is it a comedy? Is it a thriller? Guess what – it’s all of them! The film follows single mom Stephanie who starts investigating the disappearance of her rich and secretive friend Emily. It’s a really intriguing story with ample twists and turns sprinkled with comedic moments all over. Blake Lively is simply electric and so is Anna Kendrick. And to top it off we have hunky Henry Golding. What more could we ask for?

SPY (2015)

Melissa McCarthy becomes a spy – and hilarity ensues. That’s the short premise. But seriously though this film a fun and hilarious ride that will leave you in splits. Made with great actors like Jude Law, Rose Byrne, Miranda Hart, Allison Janney and Jason Statham (in his most hilarious outing ever) this action-comedy caper will definitely have you snorting with laughter. A little PSA this film is NSFW and probably best enjoyed with friends or alone.

UP IN THE AIR (2009)

Ever felt like love is not for you and life is monotonous? Our film’s protagonist Ryan also feels the same. Until he meets Alex that is. The different memories he creates with her, his relationship with colleague Natalie, the family dramas he solves – everything serves as a reminder to Ryan that life is something more than a suitcase that can fit everything you need. Sometimes there’s extra luggage and you might find welcome a helping hand.


Do not blame me if you get serious vibes to travel after watching this film (stay home, be safe). Walter Mitty has misplaced something important and off he goes on a journey to recover it. Ben Stiller is perfect in his role as the meek and simple guy who decides to step outside the box because sometimes staying put will never expose you to the beauty this world hides. And you’ll definitely immerse yourself in the beautiful cinematography whether it’s cold and rustic Iceland or hustling and bustling New York. Sometimes you gotta live life on the edge.


This might be the most tearjerking movie of this bunch. It’s the story of adorable Hachi, a lost Akita who finds a companion in Professor Parker. Based on the real-life story of a dog’s undying love the movie will tug at your heartstrings both in love and sorrow. Even those with hearts made of stones can’t help but fall in love with Hachi. Just let those tears flow.

Madeswaran Rengarasu

I'm Madeswaran (or Mads). While I'm not breaking my head over studies I enjoy my free time in the company of movies and TV shows. Check out my Instagram page for more fun recommendations!

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