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The Wasteland Watchlist: Infinity Pool (2023)

What does the name Cronenberg mean to cinephiles out there?

Plenty I would say but mostly “unnerving” and “disturbing”. David Cronenberg is one of the true kings of body horror and one of the sharpest artists when it comes to social commentary. Early efforts like Scanners, Videodrome, and The Fly were deeply disturbing. Cronenberg roared into the 2000s with a new approach of violence and deeply biting human commentary with A History of Violence and History of Violence. But he did pass those skills along to his talented director son, Brandon. He made a splash with his disturbing and shocking Possessor. But can he live up to this legacy with his latest venture, Infinity Pool?

What happens when a failing author is empowered with social hierarchy and money in the most disturbing ways possible?

Well…you get Cronenberg’s latest social thriller. Alexander Skarsgard portrays an author who is corrupted by a wealthy woman (portrayed by Mia Goth). When he commits a horrible crime (by accident) he is sentenced to death. But lucky for him, this troubled island has cloning technology that allows them to execute his clone instead…in front of him. But this is where things get weird…he might actually like it. The thing that will stand out to most is the disturbing and dark elements that Cronenberg weaves into his narrative. There is brutal violence, buckets of blood, human fluids, and…some other things I would not dare spoil. Cronenberg goes for shock and metaphor in ways that will push your limits. Some will avoid the challenge while others will rise to the occasion. 

Are the themes poignant even if Cronenberg pushes all types of comfortable buttons?

The commentary lodged against high society is as biting as you can get. The way the rich and powerful are portrayed is damning and brutal. They are despicable and deranged. They feed on their power and get off on the ways they can circumvent justice. The consequences do not exist for them, and this makes the story that much harder to watch. But it is Skarsgard’s character who struggles for value and inspiration. Just how far will he go to reach the acceptance and adulation that he demands and requires in his life? His soul lies in the balance, and we see it all on display. The experience is grotesque and chilling…if you can handle it. 

Along with the tone, what else does Cronenberg bring to the table from a technical standpoint?

From the start, Cronenberg and his cinematographer Karim Hussain create an unnerving experience. The opening shots are twirling and twisting bringing a distorted view of this “perfect” paradise. There are moments when James (Skarsgard) experiences distorted euphoria and vision which are presented in grainy, flashing and distorted visions. These are hard to sit through and will cause quite an impact. The world is either shown in vibrant purity and dismantled ruin. The score (composed by Tim Hecker) is unnerving and creates an atmosphere that is disturbing to the core. 

Cronenberg is the biggest star of Infinity Pool but how do the actors bring the goods?

The cast as a whole is strong but the two that truly stand out are Skarsgard and Goth. Skarsgard is asked to show plenty of vulnerability and he excels. His range is on display with so many conflicting feelings. But it is Goth who shines. She is a horrifying force in this film as she is unhinged. She is an open pulse and hedonism and vulgar displays. Goth is having a blast and we shudder in her presence. 

Is Infinity Pool one of the big early hits of 2023?

This is going to divide many viewers but this is a film that is dark and disturbing. In these moments, we see fantastic filmmaking, acting, and themes. We shudder in our seats as we watch the grotesque display that Cronenberg has created for the audience.

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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