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The Wasteland Watchlist: John Wick Chapter 4 (2023)

There are just SO many films out there! You see two to three wide releases on a weekend with a handful more in limited release. Throw out at least a dozen more on VOD or streaming and now you have an overload of content. But we only have so many hours in the day, and we must be thoughtful towards what we dedicate that precious free time to. That is the point of this series of articles giving you specific reasons why you should run out to your nearest multiplex, drive to search for that limited release, drop some money in the virtual cinema, or to surf those streaming services. Here on The Wasteland Watchlist, you will find some reasons to check out the latest and greatest of films including…  John Wick: Chapter 4 (theaters March 24th)

Directed by Chad Stahelski
Starring: Keanu Reeves, Donnie Yen, Bill Skarsgard, Laurence Fishburne, Ian McShane

John Wick

This has always been a story of a reluctant weapon of mass destruction. He thought he was out and now has spiraled deeper and deeper into this crazy world of crime. But Chapter 4 brings to the forefront the exciting opportunity that John Wick can finally escape this nightmare. Reeves still delivers physicality like no other and we can feel the world weighing on this man’s shoulders. The regret and sadness and desperation that permeates Wick is all over Reeves’ satisfying performance. His journey through enemies and friends which leaves plenty of friendly and unfriendly bodies along the way is grander than ever but still resonates as a personal and internal struggle. All the way up to the fateful duel, we see a man driven to finally return home to the woman who changed it all for him.

The Action

This section will be surprisingly short. I would do a disservice to give any details of any of the actions. You should experience all for yourself without any tainted expectations. This is one of the most amazing action films ever created. From start to finish, the audience is taken on an epic journey of unique, bold, and dynamic action that will never feel mundane or pedestrian. You will have a blast with a painful permanent grin on your face. You will never feel better lifting your jaw from the floor when you see what Stahelski in store for the grandest John Wick has outing yet.

The Scale and Scope

This franchise has come such a long way from the first film, hasn’t it? This is not one man versus one gang. This is one man against a world that molded him into what he is now. The High Table is a mighty power that cannot afford the transgressions of Wick. The world is engulfed by this life of killing and crime and there are no places in the world that cannot reach Wick. This opens Chapter 4 to incredible and exciting prospects. The globe-hopping is grander and larger in scale than ever. Whether we are hiding out in the Osaka Continental in Japan or finding Wick’s roots in Berlin or facing his destiny in Paris, this film is bold and grandiose in a way befitting this growing and thrilling franchise.

The Supporting Cast

Where to start? Fishburne and McShane deliver delicious dialogue and one-liners like it is no one’s business. They are the legacy characters who ground Wick and give him support (even with their own personal investments). But the newcomer in Yen steals the show. A blind assassin and friend from Wick’s past are confronted with Sophie’s Choice…save your loved one or kill John Wick for good. Yen’s performance is soulful and charismatic, making Caine a sympathetic and highly alluring roadblock in Wick’s way. Another new assassin on Wick’s trail is Mr. Nobody (performed so well by the committed and cool Shamier Anderson). His character is full of honor and pride while delivering an interesting parallel to Wick. Bill Skarsgard is delightfully despicable as the main antagonist, The Marquis. Wick’s death means so much to this powerful and wealthy agent of The High Table. Power and pride are at his core, but Skarsgard makes him so much more hated than that. Clancy Brown is an imposing force on screen as the main representative of The High Table. Hiroyuki Sanada and Rina Sawayama are a winning father/daughter combo that leaves such a great impression that you want a whole film about them. Then there is Scott Adkins. Die-hard action fans might know this stuntman and action star. His role is way too much fun to disclose here. He is worth experiencing as a surprise.

The Visuals

Dan Laustsen might be the most underappreciated cinematographer in film today. He killed it with The Shape of Water and has been a huge part of making these John Wick films the visual treats that they are. Every frame is gorgeous with neon colors, sleek black settings, and incredible production design that creates this incredible cinematic world. The camera knows how to highlight the action like no other. The actors are challenged to give detailed and intimate performances as the camera creeps so closely and intimately with them. This world would not feel this real and engaging without the incredible work done by Laustsen.

The World Building

Are you ready for endless films in the world of Wick? I sure am. This film did so much heavy lifting when it comes to world-building without ever cheapening the deeply personal journey that Wick goes on. The expansion to a brand-new Continental (Osaka) was so exciting. Each hotel is so unique and detailed to fit the country and culture it represents. Every gang has their own personality and feel to them. Each city we visit opens up whole new worlds and story threads with enough detail that we can get excited to see spinoff stories in them. This story feels like a satisfying advancement of Wick’s story but brings the audience closer to so many potential new stories inhabited by the diverse and exciting cast of characters that we are introduced to in Chapter 4

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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