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Cinema & Films

Last Christmas: Wait For That Twist!

Release Date: 8 November 2019 (USA)
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
IMDb Rating: 6.6
Director: Paul Feig
Cast: Emilia Clarke, Henry Golding, Madison Ingoldsby, Emma Thompson, Boris Isakovic 

Last Christmas was definitely a film, at its core, I guess you could say it is a 5/10 with a 9/10 twist. When a film suddenly has a twist out of nowhere it usually intrigues me enough to keep watching and give it a decent point boost if it is able to execute and contain the twist well. Obviously, since this is a non-spoiler review, I, of course, will not be spoiling it but it made the last act very different from the mediocrity of the first two acts.

Watching the film you can tell there is something that isn’t working now, now it may be Paul Feig’s direction and I will be honest I really only know him from the multiple Mellissa McCarthy films he has done. On top of that, the screenplay was not good but it was not really terrible either so basically, it was meh.

Now when you get down to the acting there were some issues many of the characters I really did not believe but for the most part, our two leads are very good though, and that is who we saw the majority of in the film.

I do quite feel bad for Emilia Clarke though as her reputation is forever tarnished by the mediocrity of the 8th season of Game of Thrones (I haven’t seen the show so I don’t really have an opinion) but there were angry people in my theater complaining throughout the entire movie about GOT and Emilia Clarke so that was really fun to sit through.

In the end, when looking at these aspects of the film it is easy to have many issues with the movie but if you can hold out, I promise you will at least be entertained by the end.

On the technical side of things, it is quite literally okay in total. It had okay cinematography, okay score, and okay production design so I will spend time marinating on aspects that were bad or good. Okay let’s get the obvious one first yes the soundtrack was great, in addition, the multiple Christmas songs they also played “Last Christmas” by Wham at least 20 times.

The movie also had surprisingly good lighting and costume design. The choreography was atrocious though there is a dance in an ice rink and they all look very stoic. So for the most part when you total all the technical aspects it really is just okay.

Overall, it was definitely a film it was mostly really cringing and bad, but if you can handle that, there is quite an interesting twist near the end of the film, which is what really pulled this film over the positive area of my review.

Also, I like Henry Golding and Christmas so how can I give this movie a bad score.

My Rating:

Rating: 6.5 out of 10.

Kyle Kazembe

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