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Lincoln 2012 Movie Review

There are so many films that come out every week let alone every year, aren’t there? We can get so caught up in trying to keep up with the latest awards contenders, box office hits, and culturally relevant pieces that we just don’t have enough time to turn back the clock and check out films from the past. But it is so important to expand our horizons and experience the art that has set the stage for today’s cinema. You might need to find the time, so it is important to make wise choices with what you spend that time watching. Whether we head back 10 years, 50 years, or even 100 years, there is great cinema throughout the years. But let’s rewind the clock and here are some reasons why you should check out… Lincoln (2012)

Directed by Steven Spielberg
Starring: Daniel Day-Lewis, Sally Field, David Strathairn, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tommy Lee Jones

Daniel Day-Lewis

Where else can you possibly start? At this point in his career, if DDL showed up in a film, we needed to watch. That automatically became a must-see film just because we knew the number of craft and passion that Day-Lewis would bring to the project. He disappears and is replaced by one of the most iconic and significant presidents in our country’s history. There is a tenderness to Day-Lewis’ performance that is replaced with some impressive intensity in moments of frustration and authority. Day-Lewis portrayed the fun-loving storyteller while also showing his more authoritative and commanding side. Lincoln would use his authority if needed and Day-Lewis captures that fact so well. This is one of the best performances of the last decade and is a must see.

The Ensemble

If DDL wasn’t enough, Lincoln boasts one of the most stacked casts ever put to film. The number of rising stars and character actors that fill out this film are shocking. Sally Field and Tommy Lee Jones both get plenty of moments to shine as two of the most significant supporting characters in this tale. The likes of David Strathairn, James Spader, John Hawkes, Tim Blake Nelson, Jackie Earl Haley, Bruce McGill, Hal Holbrook, Jared Harris, Michael Stuhlbarg and so many more add layers and stature to the supporting players. But keep an eye out for the likes of David Oyelowo, Dane DeHaan, and Adam Driver who each get small moments to shine. SO MUCH TALENT. This cast is incredible.

The Time and Place

We are not offered a sprawling epic that encompasses Lincoln’s entire life. We get a specific time in his presidency that shows so much about this man’s personality, zeal, and character. The push for the 13th Amendment was a political whirlwind and Lincoln needed to show all his talents to get this Amendment passed. There is bending and (sometimes) breaking of rules. There are clandestine deals and playing all the field. Day-Lewis shows that Lincoln could play any political game (he was a lawyer mind you). We see him make promises, threats, and deals to craft the perfect storm that would bring about one of the most important additions to our Constitution. This was the right moment to capture who this man was and what he would do for his country.

The Politics

For a film that takes place in the 1860s, Lincoln expertly crafts a whirlwind of intrigue and political games. This film paints our political system into a specific and crazy circus that still represents our political landscape today. The big personalities, shouting, yelling, and anger are still main elements of our system. This portrait of Congress seems like a lot more fun than what we see on CSPN but that doesn’t stop it from being this crazy all the rest of the time. As of writing this article, the United States is still stuck in the results of a midterm election, and we see all these games and twists and turns. This film is still incredibly relevant in our crazy world.

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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