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Minion Movie 2022 Movie Review

Who legitimately thought that this sequel to a Despicable Me prequel was going to be good?

After Minions made over a billion dollars even though it offers few elements beneficial to adult audiences, that would be a hard sell. But luckily for us, this new sequel is more Despicable Me than it is like the first Minions film. Minions were all minions all the time without the heart and center that made Gru’s stories endearing to the audience. If you find the minions annoying, to begin with, they are certainly much better in smaller doses like in the original Illumination series. 

What does The Rise of Gru offer up to the audience?

A lot. There is so much stuff stuffed into this 87-minutes. You Gru who wants to join the greatest super-villain group, Vicious Six. They have an opening after they kick their founder out, Wild Knuckles. The minions are trying to prove their worth to Gru and learn karate and find their inner beasts from a kung fu master. But they all try to find the Zodiac Stone (a maguffin that drives the story forward). This is only a simplified version of the plot (yes…that is simplified). 

But where does the heart come in for this latest minion outing?

Gru and Wild Knuckles develop a meaningful mentor/mentee relationship which is wonderful. This adds depth to these two characters that really didn’t exist in Minions. From the minions’ perspective, their relationship being solidified with Gru is quite endearing and wonderful. Wild Knuckle’s own journey of self-discovery and finding his crew is sweet and enjoyable. Most of the other elements of the story are surface-level and shallow. This film could have easily been trimmed down but at least there are plenty of elements to appreciate and enjoy. 

What about the fun?

The action in this film is surprisingly fun and exciting. There is a great mix of slapstick and material arts which makes for something unique and exciting for a film like this.

The adults in the room will appreciate the lampooning of Bond flicks (including a satirical take on the Bond opening credits sequence) as well as kung fu films from the 70s. You even see the minions wearing Bruce Lee’s yellow and black jumpsuit (which some might recognize from Kill Bill).

The minions are still in it a lot, but they are limited compared to the last film. This allows their time to feel less overbearing and they actually deliver plenty of laughs.

What about the cast and characters?

Pierre Coffin is still the real MVP with his impressive versatility as every single one of the minions. The main trio of minions is still a great trio together with great banter and balanced personalities (Bob is so cute and wonderful as ever). Gru is sweet and diabolical at the same time. He really shines in an early despicable montage of events (including gassing out a theater full of people so he can see Jaws). Steve Carell is great as ever as our young Gru. Alan Arkin is a great addition to the film as Wild Knuckles (his chemistry with Carell is still great like Get Smart). The rest of the Vicious Six on the other hand are completely wasted (too much talent for one-note antagonists). Michelle Yeoh’s Master Chow might be a walking exposition machine, but Yeoh is still great in the role. There are plenty of Despicable Me cameos from Julie Andrew, Will Arnett, Russell Brand, and Steve Coogan as well (even if some feel a little forced).

Is this latest venture into the world of Despicable Me worth your time?

You will have plenty of fun with this 70s lampooning of action flicks with plenty of laughs and slapstick to spare.

There is something for everyone in this new flick. The narrative might be overstuffed to the gills but if you can get past it, you will have a fun time in the theater.

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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