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The Wasteland Watchlist: Mission Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One

There are just SO many films out there! You see two to three wide releases on a weekend with a handful more in limited release. Throw out at least a dozen more on VOD or streaming and now you have an overload of content. But we only have so many hours in the day, and we must be thoughtful towards what we dedicate that precious free time to. That is the point of this series of articles giving you specific reasons why you should run out to your nearest multiplex, drive to search for that limited release, drop some money in the virtual cinema, or to surf those streaming services. Here on The Wasteland Watchlist, you will find some reasons to check out the latest and greatest of films including…Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One (theaters July 12th

Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One 

The Action 

This is the true star, isn’t it? When it comes to Mission: Impossible, we want to see all the crazy stunts. There are plenty of jaw-dropping sequences throughout the film. Things start with an impressive submarine sequence that would impress John McTiernan. There is a tense and fun airport grift. The Rome set piece is one of the most expertly crafted and thrilling car chases ever put to film (thank you, Christopher McQuarrie). A sandstorm shootout and hand-to-hand combat in Venice shake things up. But it all leads up to the climax of the film which soars through the air, thrills on the top of a train, and shocks you in an expertly crafted train escape. There are few franchises that can stand next to Mission: Impossible. 

Tom Cruise 

He did it again. The man who saved the theaters with Top Gun: Maverick is back with another top-tier thrilling blockbuster for the whole world to gush over. Cruise does so much in the film. He runs and rides motorcycles just like you expect. He throws himself off a giant cliff on a motorcycle (which will live on in our memories forever). He balances being a strong-willed and honorable man and just being a man who deals with his fear with humor. But it is the emotional heft he brings to Ethan Hunt that shines the most.

Hayley Atwell 

We have a whole new star in this amazing franchise! Cruise might have a rival now for our love as Atwell steals the show. She is effortlessly charming as Grace, a thief in the wrong place or the wrong job. With a smile and a wink, Atwell can charm the socks off the whole audience. Grace is not fully prepared for this Mission: Impossible world and you can feel that in great moments where Atwell shows vulnerability. She also holds her own in the action sequences and matches Cruise with pure charisma. I cannot wait for more Atwell on more missions. 

The Supporting Cast

Bring on this insanely talented cast! Simon Pegg, Ving Rhames, and Rebecca Ferguson are all back and at the top of their games in Dead Reckoning Part One. They are charming, resourceful, and totally badass (in Ferguson’s case). Ethan’s team helped make these films and they did not disappoint. Vanessa Kirby is welcomed back as the underworld dealer at the center of the plot. Shea Whigham makes for a solid roadblock for Cruise to avoid Cary Elwes is smarmy and Henry Czerny melts right back into this franchise with perfection. Pom Klementieff might not speak much but her physicality and emotion are all on display. Esai Morales is the cherry on top as a mystery and unnerving antagonist to go along with everything else. 

Successful Part One

How do you make a part of an overall story feel satisfying? Make sure there is some closure and a mission accomplished. That is present in Dead Reckoning Part One. There is certainly more to get to but the Macguffin of this part one if resolved and a thread is completed. The ending makes sense and builds up anticipation for even more. 

Timely Story 

Artificial intelligence is on display and ready to unnerve you at every turn in Dead Reckoning. This is all knowing and creeping behind every corner. The team must go analog to fight it and that is a great addition to the film. The danger is felt in every scene and every interaction. What if a country could control all machines and technology? That is a horrifying thought and that works to make this film so dangerous and has such weight. We all fear what A.I. can be and this film holds us to the pulse for impressive effect. 

The Music 

LORNE BALFE. That is all. An Oscar nomination must be in this man’s future and a win would be incredibly earned.

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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