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Best Movies to Watch With Your Mom

With Mothers’ Day, I see plenty of people on social media posting pictures of them with their mothers and composing emotional and sentimental captions about their relationships. I thought, should I do the same? But that really isn’t my style. But what would be my style? Obviously, it would have to do with movies! What came to mind are all the great movies my mom has shared with me over the years. My mom has shared with me some of her favorite films from childhood, films that peaked her love of action movies, and one that means a lot for our Italian American heritage (I give you one guess). Here are some of the films my mom has shared with me, and I will now share with you… 

Darby O’Gill and the Little People 

This list could not be complete without a kid’s movie from my mom’s past, right? When I think of classic live-action Disney flicks, Darby O’Gill and the Little People is one of the first films that come to mind. This is a little hearted (and surprisingly scary) romp of a fantastical adventure. There are dancing leprechauns, drunken old men, and a young Sean Connery. Who could resist? I loved the banter between Darby and King Brian as they continuously tried to trick and outsmart each other. This is a story full of love, magic, and a frightening cautionary tale. I will forever be haunted by the banshee that spooks its way into the film. I am getting goosebumps just thinking about it. 

Bedknobs and Broomsticks 

Does anyone else have at least five songs from Bedknobs and Broomsticks on their Spotify? No…just me then. I legitimately have these wonderful and magical songs stuck in my head daily…and I am 30. That is the wonderful legacy of this wonderful Disney musical featuring the perfect tandem of Angela Lansbury (one of the all-time greats) and David Tomlinson (a staple of Disney musicals). The mix of live-action and animation is still impressive all these years later. The World War 2 setting is inspired leading up to an epic final showdown between invading Nazis and reanimated uniforms and weapons from generations of British wars. Yeah…this movie is WILD. Magical through every scene, this is a wonderful fantasy adventure for the whole family. 

Die Hard 

Is it cool mom time now? My mom loves her action movies…and Bruce Willis. So, Die Hard is a match made in heaven. As a self-professed action movie snob, I certainly got my love for the genre from my mom, and watching Die Hard as a kid was a big part of that. This is arguably the greatest action film of all time, so that is no surprise. Willis’ John McClane is the everyman hero that was still loved all these decades later. Alan Rickman’s Hans Gruber is one of the greatest villains in movies…period. Reginald VelJohnson is a legendary TV/movie cop and his chemistry with Willis is off the charts. Heck, this movie has two of the biggest a-holes in film history with Dwayne T. Robinson (Paul Gleason) and Thornburg (William Atherton) in the SAME movie. The action is top-notch, and this film is endless watchable.

True Lies 

Wait…James Cameron made a movie that didn’t involve aliens, terminators, or the Titanic? He did and its name is True Lies. Arnold Schwarzenegger is an absolute beast, and his mix of unique charisma and towering presence is a perfect match for this over-the-top and thoroughly entertaining action flick. Jamie Lee Curtis steals the show with her sexy breakout performance (and seductive dance). Tom Arnold is even perfectly entertaining in his sidekick role. Charlton Heston (YES…Charlton Heston) plays a Nick Fury stand-in? I AM SOLD. This big-budget blockbuster (literally the biggest budget of all time when filmed) knows how to be both funny and thrilling. The perfect summertime movie to enjoy with your mom.

The Italian Job 

That original with Michael Caine? No…the 2000’s Italian Job starring none other than Mark Wahlberg. My mom LOVES this movie. She loves Wahlberg but she REALLY loves Jason Statham (she has a thing for bald guys). This all-star cast is brought together for this fun romp of an action remake. Statham is perfect as Handsome Rob and Seth Green is delightfully nerdy and weird as Lyle (he really invented Napster). Wahlberg is charming enough and when paired with Charlize Theron, they make a fun leading pair. There is plenty of fun Mini Cooper action to enjoy as well along with this charming cast. But Donald Sutherland’s first act appearance is truly the charming cherry on top.

The Godfather

Did you guess this one? This one is a slight cheat because my grandfather was the one who had my mom show me this for the first time…when I was ten years old. You might think that is too young for a person to watch The Godfather but when it is your culture (according to my Italian American grandfather), it is never too early. This is one of the greatest (if not greatest film) films of all time. I feel lucky that I have had this perfect piece of cinema in my life for most of it. The cast, the direction, the story, and the…everything! This is a near (if not) perfect film. Francis Ford Coppola did right but Italian Americans and brought our culture to the forefront (even if it is in the guise of a gangster story). But this is a film truly about family and it only makes sense that my family introduced it to me.  

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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