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Cinema & Films

The Wasteland Rewind: My Neighbor Totoro (1988)

There are so many films that come out every week let alone every year, aren’t there? We can get so caught up in trying to keep up with the latest awards contenders, box office hits, and culturally relevant pieces that we just don’t have enough time to turn back the clock and check out films from the past. But it is so important to expand our horizons and experience the art that has set the stage for today’s cinema. You might need to find the time, so it is important to make wise choices with what you spend that time watching. Whether we head back 10 years, 50 years, or even 100 years, there is great cinema throughout the years. But let’s rewind the clock and here are some reasons why you should check out… My Neighbor Totoro (1988)

Directed by Hayao Miyazaki
Starring: Dakota Fanning, Elle Fanning, Tim Daly, Pat Carroll, Frank Welker

The Animation 

Miyazaki knows how to create breathtaking and beautiful animated films, doesn’t he? The worlds in Miyazaki films are gorgeous due to the hand-drawn excellence of Studio Ghibli animators. The world of Japan, especially the forests and countryside in My Neighbor Totoro, feels so genuine and poignant. You feel like you are lost in these fictionalized and animated versions of reality which makes it even easier to dive deeply into the whimsical fantasy elements of so many of his films. Every character feels vibrant whether they are human or creature. This is just one striking visual experience from start to finish.

The Creatures

Totoro is such a lovable and enjoyable character that has become a cultural icon over the course of the past 30+ years. His hare design with the big ears is fun and his Cheshire Cat grin is infectious. Frank Welker creates a bombing and exciting roar for the beast creating such a juxtaposition between the big cuddly animal and its intimidating vocalizations. But let’s not forget the little dust balls (The Susuwatari) are cute and always present to be supportive of our child protagonists. They have become some of the trademark creations of Miyazaki on screen. Don’t forget Catbus! What a weird creation! A cat with a bus inside it that can fly and has giant headlights for eyes. This film knows how to maximize its fantastical elements while still grounding our audience in the human feelings of the film. 

Child Processing of Lose/Suffering

One constant element of Miyazaki films is that they are always mature well beyond their expected years. These films do not mess around when dealing with some significant human feelings and emotions. Our two young protagonists struggle with their mother’s illness that keeps her in a hospital and away from them. They experience fear of potential death and struggle with the trust of an ever-changing set of expectations. They are not sure when their mother will come home but My Neighbor Totoro is not afraid to confront the real possibilities that could await our young protagonists. 

The Emotion 

There is so much emotional depth to this film that it puts so many western animated films to shame. Our protagonists struggle with fear and sadness on a regular basis. We must guide them on their journey to process such feelings of emptiness. We see joy and glee around people being found and diagnoses coming back fruitful. One of the best elements of the film that elevates emotions is the score from Joe Hisaishi. There are whimsical pieces that help connect the audience to the fantasy elements of the film. There are moments of somber emotions that are both hopeful and real. Each piece of music is expertly crafted and brings out that exact right emotion for any given moment. This is a wonderful, fun, and lasting experience.

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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