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The Wasteland Watchlist: Blue Bayou Movie Review & Film Summary (2021)

Who is Ready For Some Almodovar?

Few directors can be so iconic that the mention of their last name alone captures a complete atmosphere on the iconic art form. This filmmaker has been making films for decades and coming out of the ashes of fascist Spain. This renaissance in Spanish filmmaking was partially possible thanks to the creative works of this artist. Few directors have such an iconic visual style and way of crafting a film.

But What Makes Almodovar so Unique?

Colors. Bold and striking colors. Every frame in his films is filled with the richest colors you will find in the cinema. Bold and engrossing, each of his films boasts a visual palette unmatched by most filmmakers.

There are a few trademarks that make a film instantly identifiable as an “Almodovar picture”.

Each of his films also offers layers of drama to sink your teeth into. There will not be just one storyline or layer of narrative. He will always challenge you with multiple themes that interweave in impactful and emotional ways. But just you wait…he is going to deliver plenty of dramatic moments along the way. Even with his trademark charm and humour, there is a steady flow of emotion to penetrate you on every viewing. Also, give him credit for helping launch the careers of Antonio Banderas and Penelope Cruz.

Speaking of Cruz, How Does Almodovar Deliver on Their Latest Collaboration in The Form of Parallel Mothers?

The colours are there. The use of red and green is evocative on screen as they just pop at every moment. The richness of his visuals allows the cinematic world being presented to rise and thrive for the audience. The world feels fully realized in Parallel Mothers. The world feels real and lived in but still something worth experiencing on screen. Along with the richness of colours, the framing and camera work is engrossing and engaging. You are a voyeur…experiencing everything with these characters. The close-ups capture the details of the actors’ performances in a resonant way.

But the Visuals Are Not The Only Thing That Almodovar Brings as the Director, Right?

There is a real atmosphere of emotion and drama that engulfs you along the way. You can feel this endless rollercoaster of emotions that the protagonist experiences through romantic heartache, incomparable loss, and the processing of connections she never got to have. The actors bring their feelings to life, but Almodovar is the one who channels it through this beautiful medium. There is also raw tension throughout the film that delivers heightened suspense and leaves you fearing what actions these emotions might produce. The music composed by Alberto Iglesias channels the same feel that the music in a Hitchcock picture does. How strange does this music layer in suspense for a film that is purely dramatic without any hints of genre thrills? But Almodovar uses this composition to channel similar feelings of thrills in articulating the dramatic tension building between his characters.

Speaking of…What About This Cast of Characters That Inhabit Parallel Mothers?

There are few characters quite like Almodovar characters. He thrives when painting complex and unique connections between people. There is a triangle of love and connection at the heart of this film. Does there need to be clear boundaries and conclusions when it comes to the web weaved between our titular mothers (Janis and Ana) along with Janis’ lover Arturo? Not really. By the end, there is a distinct lack of definition between them that makes their relationships/connections more interesting. There is strong magnetism emanating from Janis as she is unable to escape the masculine and strong presence of Arturo (even consummating this connection in the bedroom of her parents later in the film). There is also a passionate and raw connection between these two women who have bonded over the shared experience of mothering children. Janis is driven not only by these loving connections that she is experiencing but also by the drive to find the grave of her executed ancestor. 

What a Tough Web to Weave With Such Differing Narratives, Right?

That is made to seem much easier by the impeccable direction and steady hand of Almodovar. His screenplay is also able to weave in these different elements while allowing each storytime to breathe along the way. A balance of humour, passion, and love is the underlying channel that makes the whole film flow. Even if each narrative thread is unique (some of which are naturally connected), these emotions are able to tie them together in the experience of Janis. Cruz can bring vulnerability and confidence to this character which is unmatched. Even though not all her actions are the right ones, we understand and feel her. We get why she does them and empathize with her as well. This is quite challenging when the film comes to an emotional eruption once Janis’ lies and deceit are brought to the surface. Almodovar is so accomplished in his writing, we feel equally for the pain that both Janis and Ana feel. Milena Smit holds her own alongside her veteran counterpart, channelling some impressive physical acting (all centred around the face and her expressions).

Are You Prepared For The Emotional Journey That Lies Before You?

This film is something special which I have learned to expect from the talented Almodovar.

His ability to channel his own post-Franco roots and experiences into this story of mothers is quite impressive. You feel the drama and emotion that emanates from this moving and layered narrative. Few filmmakers can congeal so much drama and emotion into one unified story, but Almodovar does this in spades. Pain and Glory drew me in and captured my imagination and Parallel Mothers expands my passion for this artist’s work.

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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