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Cinema & Films

The Wasteland Watchlist: Polite Society (2023)

There are just SO many films out there! You see two to three wide releases on the weekend with a handful more in limited release. Throw out at least a dozen more on VOD or streaming and now you have an overload of content. But we only have so many hours in the day and we must be thoughtful about what we dedicate that precious free time to. That is the point of this series of articles giving you specific reasons why you should run out to your nearest multiplex, drive to search for that limited release, drop some money in the virtual cinema, or to surf those streaming services. Here on The Wasteland Watchlist, you will find some reasons to check out the latest and greatest of films including…Polite Society (theaters April 28th)

Directed by: Nida Manzoor
Starring: Priya Kansara, Ritu Arya, Nimra Bucha

Nida Manzoor

What did this talented creator of We Are Lady Parts have up her sleeve for her feature film debut? A huge surprise! Polite Society is filled to the brim with excitement, laughs, and thrills. The way this story is told is filled with flair and personality. There are sections that feel like a video game (with chapter cards and “VS” for the big battles). There is a Bollywood vibe with music and big vibrant moments of color and visuals. There is also an undercurrent of a wry British wit. This combination seems worlds apart, but Manzoor is able to fuse them together with big fights, thriller moments, and sisterhood to create one of the most energetic and unique cinematic experiences so far this year.

The Action

When your main character has a YouTube channel called “Khan Fu” you know there is going to be fun action, right? Our protagonist is an aspiring stuntwoman and that opens the door to so much potential. The film is injected with fantastical elements (which Manzoor does impressively) which allow for plenty of over-the-top martial arts fights to break out whenever. Fighting at school! Fighting at your future in-laws’ house! Fight at a wedding! Not only are there plenty of fights but they are don’t with impressive stunt work and in-camera filmmaking. No need for obnoxious edits to hide the campy and fun stunt work being delivered on screen. There is some great story beats in action too with Ria (our future stunt performer) building up to one epic movie.

Priya & Ritu

How do you make an engaging and engaging sibling pairing come to life on screen? Cast two brilliant young talents who have top-notch chemistry, that is how! Kansara is a spunky performer who has great physicality leading to some fun gags in the film. She also fully commits to the physicality of her fighting work and that makes those fight scenes come to life. She is also genuine and endearing in her portrayal of a driven young woman. Arya is a nice foil where Kansara is all energy and excitement, and Arya is more reserved and drier. Arya makes for some great sarcastic humor and vulnerability in her brooding and intense performance. But the real magic is when they are together as they are so much fun. They feel like real sisters and their bonding moments feel so genuine and earnest that you might think they are sisters.

The Narrative

Boy, this film is unexpected, isn’t it? This section will be brief as I would never want to ruin the fun. But this film starts with an engaging tale of a younger sister trying to break up her sister’s wedding. Where does it go from there? It is so worth finding out.

The Laughs

Is this one of the funniest movies so far this year? Absolutely! There is some stiff competition, but those laughs come a mile per minute in Polite Society. Each of these characters gets to flex their comedic muscles and the audience certainly benefits from it. Two little shout-outs to Seraphina Beh and Ella Bruccoleri. They are Ria’s best friends, and they have plenty of laughs between the two of them. Their comic relief is top-notch and brings about a few of the most memorable moments in the film. This film is certainly one of the freshest action comedies around. 

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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