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The Wasteland Watchlist: Prey (2022)

What has happened to the Predator franchise?

The original film was one of the best genre mixes of the 1980s. The action, the horror, and the science fiction all together made for a unique experience. But that is just the surface. Predator is one of the most subversive action flicks out there. The way it sets up the stereotypical big 80s action heroes who demolish all in their wake seems pedestrian enough. But once they must confront the greatest predator they ever encountered, they get demolished left and right. Unfortunately, the franchise has gone downhill from there. Predator 2 was forgettable, Alien VS Predator was a silly and crazy crossover stunt, Predators had a cool idea, and Predator from Shane Black is a disgusting disgrace to the franchise.

But how does Prey bring honor back to the franchise?

The first step, find the correct director. Dan Trachtenberg was a perfect fit. His work on 10 Cloverfield Lane showed that he knew tension and suspense as that film was endless white-knuckling. You need that kind of energy and atmosphere in a Predator film. When you have a mysterious hunter showing up who cannot be seen and you begin to see grotesquely mutilated corpses all over the place, you better be feeling that suspense. The film is also well-paced as it spends a good amount of time building up our protagonist Naru as a talented warrior who must overcome the roadblocks in her own tribe to be taken seriously as one. There is plenty of actions consistently offered up throughout the film to keep the thrills coming. Visually, this is a striking film as well. The beautiful setting captures the nature that the Comanche inhabit and now the Predator makes its hunting ground. That first shot of its ship flying through the sky is quite impressive. For a film that has a “mid-sized” budget for modern standards, the animals and the Predator look good. 

What is expected most out of a Predator film?

The action. One interesting thing to note is that the action in this film is more dynamic and unique than that of the original film. The original relied so heavily on guns (which can only be so interesting shooting back and forth at each other…unless you are John Wick). Due to the period setting, the action is left up more to hand-to-hand combat and arrows. This works to the audience’s and the filmmaker’s favor as it makes for longer and more dynamically choreographed action sequences. Watching the Predator go toe-to-toe with a grizzly bear was crazy and intense. Seeing Naru step up against it as well as exciting and energizing. They also offer up some crafty and brutal gadgets for the Predator that delivers in spades. 

Does the script for this prequel elevate it above some of the other entries?

That is certainly true. Right off the bat, this pulls things back and goes simpler. The Predator from Shane Black is a jumbled mess of inconceivable ideas this film escapes that pitfall with ease. You have ideas about gender norms in this Comanche tribe.

There is a story of a young woman showing herself to be a true and formidable warrior. You even get some solid commentary on the effects of fur traders and general settlers destroying the land and harming the indigenous people.

These are some welcomed ideas and themes compared to some of the nonsense that has been through into other films spawning from Predator

The key to this film though must be Amber Midthunder, right?

Naru is a strong and brave warrior who must prove herself to be a warrior worthy of her tribe. Midthunder injects this character with so much depth and energy that you cannot help but get behind her. She delivers the physicality as she trains (whipping around that tomahawk of hers is quite exciting). You see her thinking and processing small details throughout the film that will aid her later (a great asset delivered by a quality script). You believe Naru when she stands tall against the French, her male counterparts, and (of course) the Predator. The rest of this cast does their jobs so well, but it is Midthunder that anchors the whole thing.

Are you prepared for this latest offering over on Hulu?

Trachtenberg shows audiences again that he is a true craftsman when it comes to thrillers.

This is one of the best action films of the whole year (really only Top Gun: Maverick stands this tall and is confident). There is a shame that this could not have been offered up on the big screen. This is also (by far) the best follow-up to the original Predator. That might not be saying much but don’t let that dilute the impressiveness of this new film. We also have a star in the making with Midthunder to look forward to as well.

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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