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The Wasteland Watchlist: Scream VI (2023)

There are just SO many films out there! You see two to three wide releases on a weekend with a handful more in limited release. Throw out at least a dozen more on VOD or streaming and now you have an overload of content. But we only have so many hours in the day and we must be thoughtful towards what we dedicate that precious free time to. That is the point of this series of articles giving you specific reasons why you should run out to your nearest multiplex, drive to search for that limited release, drop some money in the virtual cinema, or to surf those streaming services. Here on The Wasteland Watchlist, you will find some reasons to check out the latest and greatest of films including… Scream VI (theaters March 10th)

Directed by: Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, Tyler Gillett
Starring: Melissa Barrera, Jenna Ortega, Courtney Cox, Hayden Panettiere

Keeping It Fresh

What is the hardest thing to do when you are getting six films deep into a franchise? You must find a way to keep things fresh and interesting! With the release of Scream in 2022, some new life was injected into the sleeping franchise. We had a combination of new and returning characters and that trend continues with Scream VI. But in perfect Scream fashion, all the trademarks of these films are turned on end. The cold open plays out just how you expect it…until the rug is pulled out from under you delivering the freshest and most unique openings since the original. We get the evolution of the commentary from legacy sequels to the new target…franchises. There are plenty of expectations lined up for the audience this time around and somehow, they can keep you on your toes every step of the way. Taking this tale to the big city was also a stroke of genius as it opened the door to so many new scary possibilities and a whole new playground to engage in.

The Cast

Neve Campbell may have been left out of this sequel but we do get some legacy characters like Gale and Kirby giving the audience some time with both Cox and Panettiere in supporting roles. Dermot Mulroney, Tony Revolori, and Samara Weaving each make their impact as the latest actors to join this bloody and brutal world of Scream. But the real highlight is honestly the core four of the new crew from Scream last year. Barrera is given a tortured soul and she brings all the empathy and heart to it like few young performers could. Ortega is just everything at the moment as she brings her alluring energy to this film. But a special shoutout to Mason Gooding and Jasmin Savoy Brown (who steals every single scene that she appears in).

The New Crew

What is one of the hardest challenges when making a legacy sequel? You must make the new characters as compelling and interesting as the original ones. Many legacy sequels have shown their biggest cracks when it comes to the new characters. But thanks to Scream VI, we have a new crew of characters who have solidified their place as top-tier characters in the franchise. There is a strong amount of depth that the core four protagonists explore in their latest journey. The audience can get behind this band of friends who have been through so much. The actors bring so much charisma and the writers give them plenty of trials to build empathy. I cannot wait for another opportunity to spend time with this crew.

The Thrills

What is the most important part of a horror film? There better be plenty of scares and thrills along the way. Even though Scream is known for tearing down the slasher sub-genre with its biting meta-humor, this franchise is still about providing great scares and kills. Scream VI surely doesn’t disappoint. The cold open offers a few impressive set pieces. The trailers give away too much but those scenes deliver something special in the film (including the invasion of Gale’s apartment). But it is the subway sequence (made possible by its move to NYC) that delivers the most tension and suspense. I was on the edge of my seat and eyes glued to the screen during every second of that scene. Like any great slasher, this one brings the kills which happened to be bloodier and more brutal than we have seen elsewhere.

The Humor

Is this the funniest film to come out in 2023 so far? It is certainly early in the year but Scream VI certainly offers plenty of laughs along the way. The biggest scene for the laughs (and satire of franchises) is when Brown’s Mindy gives her expert commentary on their situation and franchises as a whole. Each of the actors gets their moment to offer some charismatic banter and fun interactions between friends. There are some unexpected punches, unexpected boyfriends, and plenty of other morbidly unexpected elements that deliver the laughs. There are fun one-liners and clever subversions that keep the film exciting and fun even when the blood and guts are flowing.

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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