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The Wasteland Watchlist: Spider-Man No Way Home

Are you ready for this? The time has come, and the hype is real. Audiences have been clamoring for the release of Spider-Man: No Way Home movie for months and months now. Fan theories have been churning and internet discussions have been growing. Who is going to be in it? How will the MCU change forever because of it? Jon Watts comes back for his third round as director of Sony/Disney Spider-Man films and this is looking like the biggest one yet. There is so much secrecy around the film and specifically the narrative that is being presented.

But What do We Know?

Due to Mysterio’s actions at the end of Spider-Man: Far From Home, the world knows that Peter Parker is Spider-Man. There are terrible consequences for Peter, MJ, Ned, Aunt May, and so many other people in the world. Public opinion has twisted and thanks to J.J. Jameson (J.K. Simmons back in all his glory), many in the world see Mysterio as a hero and Spider-Man as a destructive murderer. But what can Peter do? Good thing he knows someone who can do magic! But that does not quite go to plan. After Peter botches Dr. Strange’s spell, those throughout the multiverse who knows Spider-Man’s identity begin to appear. Green Goblin, Doc Oc, Electro, Sandman, Lizard, OH MY. Peter must figure out what is the best way to handle these interlopers as well as figuring out what is best for his loved ones.

Sounds Quite Compelling, Right?

The script from Christ McKenna and Erik Sommers does a surprising job of balancing plenty of narrative threads. The true heart of the film is Peter’s journey to truly become Spider-Man. There is a lot of growth to be had including trying to make tough decisions for the sake of his loved ones. The love between Peter and MJ is poignant and moving. This (along with his love for Aunt May and Ned) drives him forward. This time around, Aunt May gets plenty more to do and makes a big emotional and thematic impact. Peter also comes to conflict with Dr. Strange which shows Peter’s immaturity but his honor and morality. Morality is a deep thread throughout the film that also stems from the villains in the film. The real highlight is Norman Osborn (a.k.a. The Green Goblin) who pushes Peter and leaves his morality shaken. Otto Octavius is a great addition to the story as well with his presence. Electro is the most redeemed villain from his own film (where he was a joke). But here he is interesting and cool while being a big threat. Sandman and Lizard feel a bit like background characters but will be a fun service to fans.

In the end, this film delivers a deep and emotional ride that offers up an ending that is complicated and thematically rich.

We will see a new Spider-Man in his fullest form when he swings back around.

But what about Watts’ efforts in the film?

Those are probably the weakest aspects of the film. Don’t get me wrong, there are some sequences that are breathtaking and insane to watch (many involving Dr. Strange specifically). But there are some issues with how the film is presented. The first act is clunky and choppily edited. There is awkward pacing that makes it hard to sink into the narrative right away. There is also a lot of weird and obvious CGI-produced backgrounds throughout the film that make things feel off-putting and inorganic. Some of which are so glaring that you wonder how a film with such a huge budget looks this way. The worst though is the distinct lack of personality. The cinematography is bland, and the editing is flat. It makes you miss Sam Raimi. But at least Watts can channel a darker and more serious tone this time that feels like there is a weight to the proceedings (and when things DO happen, there is a real emotion to them).

But Who Really Makes This Film Feel Special?

This stacked cast. Tom Holland has really come into his own with his best performance as Spider-Man/Peter Parker. He delivers a performance full of depth and range that we have not quite seen from him yet. His chemistry with Zendaya is off the charts as she delivers a deep and resonant performance as MJ. Jacob Batalon is yet again a great addition to the cast as Ned (Peter’s most loyal friend). Marisa Tomei finally gets the chance to flex her talents and provide real emotion. Jon Favreau’s Happy keeps up his surprising streak of emotional scenes in these Marvel movies. Benedict Cumberbatch is just pitch-perfect as Stephen Strange and he has done so much to truly define himself as this character.

But What About Our Returning Cast Members Who Come Back to Roles We Would Never Have Dreamed of?

Willem Dafoe is as electric as The Green Goblin. His devious presence and cackling energy are a sight to see. Alfred Molina is genuine in his portrayal as Octavius which embodies his previous energy (which established one of the best performances in comic book movies). Jamie Foxx feels so much more in his element this time around as he swaggers and delivers the laughs. BUT they each bring a level of intimidation that is felt throughout the film. Rhy Ifans and Thomas Haden Church do mostly voice work but are fine in their villainous roles.

Is this the Spider-Man film We have been waiting for?

There are SO many wonderful moments and surprises that you will be grinning ear to ear if you have been a fan of these films over the last 19 years.

Michael Giacchino brings the goods with a diverse pallet of music that matches the characters and emotions of the story. There is a weight missing from many of the MCU films to date that is most welcome. In the end, this is an absolute joy to behold. By the end, you will be clamoring for what is set up to come. Sit back, relax, and experience Spider-Man: No Way Home.

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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