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Cinema & Films

The Wasteland Rewind: Starman (1984)

There are so many films that come out every week let alone every year, aren’t there? We can get so caught up in trying to keep up with the latest awards contenders, box office hits, and culturally relevant pieces that we just don’t have enough time to turn back the clock and check out films from the past. But it is so important to expand our horizons and experience the art that has set the stage for today’s cinema. You might need to find the time, so it is important to make wise choices with what you spend that time watching. Whether we head back 10 years, 50 years, or even 100 years, there is great cinema throughout the years. But let’s rewind the clock and here are some reasons why you should check out… Starman (1984)

Directed by: John Carpenter
Starring: Jeff Bridges, Karen Allen, Charles Martin Smith

Jeff Bridges

What can’t Bridges do? There are so many special things that Bridges brings to the table in science fiction romance. Bridges know the job. He is playing an alien. He is not supposed to act or feel like a human being. The voice is perfect. The robotic elements of the voice and how stiff and awkward it just makes the character work so well. But these requirements never limit the charm and humor of Bridges. You feel his charisma seep through when he can still deliver the great barbs and jokes along the way. There is a strange warmth underneath the surface. Bridges is a warm and alluring presence in his personality and that still makes its way through into this performance which makes his connection to Allen’s character feel so genuine. Through some robotic and exact movements with his body, this incredible actor fully forms a character that is unique and memorable.

Genre Elements

At the heart of this film, what is the key genre? Romance. This is about a woman dealing with her loss and grief who falls for an alien who is in the form of her deceased husband. The romance is believable as Allen’s Jenny sees the wonderful potential in this being. When romance works, we are hooked. But the science fiction elements are just as important to this story. We get some action and thrills along the way (especially with so many explosions all over the place). The spaceships and advanced technologies really work the budget and we get to see those elements come to life. The third act is a big payoff as there are some impressive 80s effects and a big ship that rounds out this road trip flick.

The Themes

Grief can be a debilitating thing, can’t it? We find Jenny at the lowest possible place. The loneliness and heartbreak are so poignant. Allen’s performance is beautiful as we can see the pain and longing in her eyes. This performance is empathetic and engaging (it just might be Allen’s best). Her performance is the window through which the audience peaks in and feels the deep and moving themes of the film. We feel her loss and grief. This film poses an implausible way of processing grief…on the surface at least. But with the actual act of facing your grief and living with the one you lost (in this case literally), we can finally move on and grow. This film is genuine and moving in the way it captures those things. Carpenter is not known for his beauty of storytelling or moving themes but this film channels both and gives this beloved filmmaker something special.

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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