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List of Movies of Summer 2022

What do you love most about summer? There is plenty of warm weather and hopefully, sun to go along with it. Beach adventures are ideal during the warmest time of year. Getting a chance to get away and hopefully go on a vacation is always tantalizing. For the kids and young adults out there, no school is a wonderful feeling. But for me? Summer movies! Big blockbusters and plenty of family fun to enjoy. With Memorial Day right around the corner, it is time to highlight some of the biggest and most exciting films coming our way this summer… 

The Bob’s Burgers Movie 

As a fan since the first season…how could I not be excited? Bringing the Belcher clan to the big screen is such an exciting idea that will hopefully bring crazy adventures and musical numbers. This show features some of the quirkiest and lovable characters on television and it is an exciting prospect for them to be given even more time to shine on screen. Disney returns to 2D animation for the first time in years and this is the perfect vehicle for it. 

Top Gun: Maverick 

Why would they be making a sequel to the 80s hit blockbuster, Top Gun? After all the reviews dropping, I don’t think the “why” matters because this looks to be one of the year’s best films. I am not even sure I can process that fact. But having Tom Cruise back as Maverick is a cool idea. Then you look at the incredible clips of air fights from a trailer and realize this could be one of the most exciting action films in a long time. Bring the nostalgia and the excitement because Maverick is going to fly high this Memorial Day weekend. 


A Buzz Lightyear movie without Tim Allen? How dare they! Joking aside, Pixar may have struck gold with this genius idea. They decided to make the in-universe Buzz Lightyear film from Toy Story so that all the Pixar fans could enjoy it too. Chris Evans is a true star, and he looks to lead the way in this epic space odyssey filled with time travel, evil robots, and space escapades. 

The Black Phone 

If you cannot make the next Doctor Strange film, what do you do? You find a way to make what looks like one of the most terrifying films of the year. Scott Derrickson brings an unnerving concept of a child predator mixed with supernatural genre trappings to offer up this haunting new horror flick. Ethan Hawke looks to frighten and unnerve every single member of the audience with his creepy and horrific portrayal of this child predator. This film looks to mix horror elements together to scare us all this summer. 


What can I say about Baz Luhrmann? For me personally, most of it wouldn’t be great. So I won’t! But what I will say is that this new biopic looks like it is full of flair and pizzaz. The King is one of the most iconic musicians of all time and Luhrmann’s new film looks to capture the grandiose scale of Elvis’ personality and persona. Flanked by screen legend Tom Hanks, newcomer Austin Butler looks to blow away the audience with his magnetic and towering performance as Presley. 

Thor: Love and Thunder 

Could you guess that this would be my most anticipated film of the summer? After the magic that Taika Waititi created with Thor: Ragnarok, Love, and Thunder looks to up the ante and offer an 80s drench space opera in all its glory. Draped in 80s flair and hard rock music, this new adventure for Thor looks to confront his own midlife crisis as he confronts a murderous entity and rekindles a dying flame with Jane Foster. A returning Natalie Portman, newcomer Christian Bale, the Guardians, Hemsworth and the gang look to bring plenty of joy to the summer season.


What does Jordan Peele have up his sleeve for his junior feature outing? One of the most wonderful aspects of his films is wondering what they are truly about and what shocks he has prepared around the corner. Bringing back his Get Out muse Daniel Kaluuya, Peele offers up what at glance might appear to be a new twist on the alien invasion tale. But knowing Peele…there is always more than meets the eyes. I will be anxiously awaiting the veil to be pulled back on this one. 

Bullet Train 

What will David Leitch deliver next in his post John Wick career? With the likes of Atomic Blonde, Deadpool 2, and Hobbs & Shaw, Leitch knows how to deliver intense and exciting action which he looks to bring to Bullet Train. This trailer shows a tale and world drenched in style and personality. Brad Pitt looks to bring the action and the laughs with his offbeat but confident hired gun (with no gun). With a stacked cast and plenty of action, this action flick looks to excite audiences come to the end of the summer. 


What is this one? The most obscure film on this list (and I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets pushed back again), Samaritan is Sylvester Stallone’s return to the action genre. This is the perfect role for him as a superhero in hiding for the past 20 years. The events that drag him back into the spotlight hope to spark a late summer frenzy. But we will have to wait to see.

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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