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The Wasteland Watchlist: Talk to Me (2023)

There are just SO many films out there! You see two to three wide releases on a weekend with a handful more in limited release. Throw out at least a dozen more on VOD or streaming and now you have an overload of content. But we only have so many hours in the day, and we must be thoughtful towards what we dedicate that precious free time to. That is the point of this series of articles giving you specific reasons why you should run out to your nearest multiplex, drive to search for that limited release, drop some money in the virtual cinema, or to surf those streaming services. Here on The Wasteland Watchlist, you will find some reasons to check out the latest and greatest of films including…Talk to Me (theaters July 28th)

The Scares

Where did the Philippou Brothers come from? I was not aware of their YouTube Channel or their other work, but boy do they make a terrifying film! Talk to Me boasts a great concept with connecting to the dead with a strange plaster hand. There are some top-notch jump scares in the film. The makeup work in this film is impressive and it makes the possessed moments even more effective. This film will keep you on edge throughout the film and all the way through its shocking and heartbreaking finale. 

Sophie Wilde

Is there a star rising before our eyes? The cast in general does a rock-solid job (with Miranda Otto being a great standout) but it is Wilde who steals the show. Her unhinged performances while possessed are haunting and unnerving. She feels so genuine and empathetic as a young woman going through grief and struggling to find her people who support her and comfort her. There are plenty of feelings and emotions underneath the surface with her and the performance is full of layers. We see her slowly losing herself throughout the film and Wilde commands our attention perfectly. 


What makes a horror movie elevate to the next level? Scares are important but for the scares to have meaning and impact, we must care. The Philipppou Brothers make us care. Talk to Me is a fully realized world of genuine and authentic characters who feel so real. The dynamic feels real. The relationships feel impactful. They feel like real teens with all the terrible banter and awkwardness that comes with it. The film delivers some legitimately funny moments along with deeply moving moments as well. 


We love it when a film has something to say, don’t we? There are two major elements of this film that give it depth. First, grief. The loss of a parent is tragic. The weight of the lies and circumstances can be even more penetrating. Talk to Me delivers a moving, complicated exploration of the lengths one will go to fix this loss is tragic. This becomes an impressively poignant cautionary tale which hits like a sledgehammer. The other is the family we must lean on in such moments. The film explores the importance of having people there to support you and the fragility that those supports can be. Scares are important but this depth makes the film that much better.

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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