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The Adventures of Tintin (2011) movie review

There are so many films that come out every week let alone every year, aren’t there? We can get so caught up in trying to keep up with the latest awards contenders, box office hits, and culturally relevant pieces that we just don’t have enough time to turn back the clock and check out films from the past. But it is so important to expand our horizons and experience the art that has set the stage for today’s cinema. You might need to find the time, so it is important to make wise choices with what you spend that time watching. Whether we head back 10 years, 50 years, or even 100 years, there is great cinema throughout the years. But let’s rewind the clock and here are some reasons why you should check out… The Adventures of Tintin (2011)

Directed by Steven Spielberg
Starring: Jamie Bell, Andy Serkis, Daniel Craig, Simon Pegg, Nick Frost

The Animation

What a revolutionary film The Adventures of Tintin turned out to be. Not only is it the first (and only) animated film in the legendary filmography of Steven Spielberg but it is one of the best motion capture animated films around. Robert Zemeckis can eat his heart out as Spielberg blows past his peers with a detailed and connectable experience. The world feels alive, and Spielberg leverages the fantastical world of animation to heighten many action sequences and adventurous moments. This film just would not reach the same heights without the use of animation and the animation is top-notch (even eleven years later). Even the opening credits scene (done with an impeccable combo of Bass and animation) is something to behold.

The Adventure

Not since Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade has Spielberg delivered such a wondrous feel of true adventure. There are swashbuckling moments on pirate ships in flashbacks. There are exhilarating car chases that maximize the animation to deliver something that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The music that John Williams matches to the action does wonders as well as he channels some similar themes and motifs as Indiana Jones. The story is centered around the hunt for buried and lost treasures. We have evil aristocrats, drunken sea captains, and legendary pirates…that just scream adventure to me. On top of that, there is real weight to this adventure. There are murders (right on the doorstep of a young journalist, the titular Tintin) and even our hero walks around carrying a gun. This is quite the film out of the past that delivers an adventure that is perfectly timeless. 

The Cast 

The young protagonist, Tintin, is such a beloved character and you would absolutely want to make sure you got the correct actor. Billy Elliott himself, Jamie Bell, comes to play. He is endearing, courageous, and resourceful and Bell knows exactly how to bring that out in Tintin. Serkis (the king of motion capture) plays the drunken and salty sea captain, Captain Haddock. His unique voice and vocal expressions bring plenty of life to this flawed yet lovable character. Daniel Craig looks nothing like his devious Sakharine character but his English accent and the menace he puts in his voice are perfect for this villain. Throw in Pegg and Frost for a bit of fun and you have quite the little ensemble. 

The Talent Behind the Camera 

Steven Spielberg. Peter Jackson. Edgar Wright. Joe Cornish. Steven Moffat. Wow. This is a Murderer’s Row of talent that is brought together to make this film. The writing combo of Wright, Cornish, and Moffat are some of the most influential British creators of their generation. Jackson was the force behind some of the biggest and most successful adventure fantasies of all time. And you have Steven Spielberg! That is impressive.

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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