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The Batman (2022): Might be the best outing of the Dark Knight! – The Wasteland Watchlist

How many different versions of Batman can we possibly get?

One of the most famous comic book characters of all time, there are plenty of renditions in the world of comics. There have been plenty of cinematic versions of the character as well. Adam West romped around on the small and big screen with his fun and campy version of the (not so) Dark Knight. Then it was a few decades until Tim Burton took on the franchise with his gothic and German expressionist approach to filmmaking. Michael Keaton was a dark version of the character who has a few moments of mania amongst consistent intensity. Joel Schumacher shook things up with bright colors and silliness (and plenty of puns). Christopher Nolan took a much grittier and grounded approach to the franchise and Christian Bale brought the “Batman voice” to life. Zack Snyder brought a hulking version of Batman with Ben Affleck who was intimidating and powerful. 

But who is ready for yet another approach to this iconic character?

Matt Reeves (the director who brought the Planet of the Apes franchise to a whole other level) takes the Dark Knight in a classic yet dark direction with The Batman.

I am not sure you will be ready for this twist on Batman.

This is a true detective story (which is the element that has been the least explored in all the other versions of the character). The film offers up a classic noir feel full of narration, femme fatales, and private investigation. But Reeves does not stop there. There are some legitimate horror elements infused into the film including a central antagonist who channels some of the worst serial killers out there. The atmosphere that Reeves creates is haunting with moments that feel dreamlike (or nightmarish). There is a darkness that engulfs the film with only a few moments of levity (which land well which is plenty surprising). 

What about the other technical aspects of the film?

Reeves has plenty of great talent on his team. Michael Giacchino offers up a haunting and unnerving score which is intense throughout with eerie tinges (like a few piano chords offered up sparsely). For a film like this, audiences will probably expect plenty of action. The Batman is not a film that focuses much on this with only a few set pieces over the course of the three-hour film. But when the action ignites, there is a powerful and raw intensity about it. There is one of the most intense car chases that has been presented in recent memory. Greig Fraser’s photography is impeccable. There are bold camera positions throughout the film including during the action sequences. You have not and might not see some of these framing choices again. Reeves commands this film with impressive care building great tension and excitement for the length of its runtime.

What about the world that Reeves created in The Batman?

This is a Gotham that is dark and corrupt full of mobsters and corrupt police.

There are plenty of secrets and lies that have shaped this city including some seedy Wayne family secrets which add layers to Bruce Wayne’s journey throughout the film. But this darkness and corrosion must come to an end…which brings the Riddler into the narrative. There are plenty of mysterious puzzles and riddles for Batman and the audience to sink their teeth into. Not only does this film channel some impressive elements from films like Seven but it captures some quality gangster movie motifs as well. The criminal underworld commanded by Falcone and The Penguin is intricate and fully realized. 

In this hulking crime thriller, are all the story threads able to balance together?

The arc that Bruce/Batman goes on is well-paced and poignant as he goes from being a reclusive myth who struggles with his own purpose to a true hero of Gotham. Along the way, he must struggle with his parents’ legacy as well. Then you have the mystery surrounding the police and mob in Gotham which weaves Jim Gordon, Batman, Selina Kyle, The Penguin, and so many more into its web. The Riddler’s plot is the overarching conflict, but it is expertly layered with plenty of thrills and tension. There are other subplots that soar as well including Selina’s own vendetta against the mob.

What is most surprising is how well Reeves can balance all these threads and deliver on them.

There is even a wonderful tease for future installments. 

How about the new Batman?

Robert Pattinson is a fantastic actor. He brings a darkly emotional take to this iconic character. The way he carries himself as Bruce is shy and uncomfortable. 

(hopefully your experience with him is not limited to Twilight).

This is not a confident playboy but instead a reclusive man who feels a lack of connection to people. The way he portrays Batman is deliberate and intense. Every movement counts as he steps slowly with the intent to unnerve and intimidate. His actions become brutal and fiery especially when he comes to blows with criminals. He has great chemistry with the rest of the cast, and you can feel plenty of sexual tension in the air when he is onscreen with Selina (and as Catwoman).

But what about the rest of this cast?

There is so much talent that has been accumulated by Reeves is most impressive.

Zoe Kravitz steals every scene with her raw emotion and incredible physicality.

Her seductive movements and poignant emotion connect so well. Jeffrey Wright is a wonderful Gordon who carries himself with great pride and virtue. He is indeed the good cop to Batman’s “bat-shit crazy cop”. Paul Dano is absolutely frightening and unnerving both underneath the Riddler mask and without it. Every second he is on screen, there are chills to be had. Colin Farrell shines under plenty of make-up and prosthetics as The Penguin who is a blast to watch on screen. Andy Serkis carries Alfred with intelligence, analytical thinking, and a tough presence. Then you have John Turturro who is pitch-perfect as the head of the criminal underworld who controls Gotham with plenty of cool.

Does The Batman earn its existence as the next foray into the ever-changing world of Gotham?

Reeves gives audiences a dark and unique take on Batman which is incredibly welcomed. It is early but this might be the greatest outing of the Dark Knight. This towering epic of noir, gangster, and crime thriller is something to behold.

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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