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Cinema & Films

A Movie a Year: Ash’s picks from the 1990s

Leaving the 21st Century behind, it’s time to move on into the 90s and my most favorite movie per year from every year of the decade. Do check out my picks for the two decades of the 21st Century if you haven’t already. With that out of the way, it’s time to kick off the 90s with one of the most iconic Sci-Fi Action movies of all time.


With the story of a computer hacker, Neo played Keanu Reeves in his true iconic role, who comes to realize that the world he inhabits is a simulation run by machines who have taken over the real world, The Wachowskis gifted us one of the rare movies whose concept that has over the years managed to permeate into our daily lingo and has cemented its status as a modern classic.


It’s alarming as to how much of what The Truman Show was a commentary on is actually starting to come true in the form of supposed reality TV and our viewing of the medium as a whole. Jim Carrey stars as Truman Burbank among his best performances one that makes perfect use of both of his comedy style and dramatic chops as we see his character unraveling when he realizes the truth of the world he has been inhabiting. Also, I have got to mention that The Truman Show has definitely got one of my most favorite endings of all time.

IRUVAR (1997)

Mani Ratnam’s masterpiece and one of the best Indian movies of all time, Iruvar tells a supposedly fictional tale but that which in reality borrows heavily from the real-life friends turned rivals MGR and M.Karunanidhi  played by Mohanlal and Prakash Raj respectively with both of them turning in epic performances supported by an equally riveting cast Iruvar is a prime example of how to do a biopic right. What also adds to the movie are that the songs actually help in developing the movie further, in fact, my most favorite moment comes in the middle of a song when the camera focusses on Mohanlal’s face in the middle of Hello Mr. Ethirkatchi song and you see the range of emotions going through it.

FARGO (1996)

The Coen Brothers classic crime and dark comedy that has managed to leave a mark which has only increased over the years. The beauty of Roger Deakins cinematography brings to life the cold snow covered landscape as Frances McDormand gives one of her finest performances as the pregnant sheriff attempting to make sense of the crime that breaks out when the husband plan to get his own wife kidnapped goes off the rails. And joining her are William H. Macy and Steve Buscemi in two other memorable performances.


A movie that is simultaneously heart-breaking and heart-warming, Shunji Iwai crafts a beautiful story of two women who while writing letters to each other find out more about a deceased man they knew. Love Letter demands a bit of patience as the first act may feel a bit confusing but as it proceeds things start clearing up creating a truly beautiful feeling and makes you wonder how much about a person do we really know and things that remain unsaid.


Quentin Tarantino’s classic that put him on the map after a blast of a debut that Reservoir Dogs was. Telling four intertwined tales, the wonderfully written story is a delight to experience and filled with the smart dialog and great music choices that Tarantino’s movies are known for. Besides, Pulp Fiction has some of the most memorable characters played by John Travolta, Samuel Jackson, Tim Roth, Uma Thurman, and Bruce Willis and a hilariously epic monologue by Christopher Walken for the ages.


Steven Spielberg at his best and John Williams giving a score that has continued to haunt and break me even after all these years, Schindler’s List is a tale of triumph in the middle of absolute horrors that humans are capable of inflicting telling the tale of Oskar Schindler and the role he played after witnessing the persecution Jews faced under the Nazi rule. Liam Neeson and Ben Kingsley both give great turns and Ralph Fiennes is the scene-stealer as the terrifying Amon Goeth.


Massively underrated among the works of Hayao Miyazaki but for me among his best, Porco Rosso is the tale of a veteran World War 1 pilot who has been cursed to look like a pig and his adventures. Incredibly fun to watch with Porco being one of the coolest cinematic characters, the movie also hides a lot of depth and subtle commentary on the nature of war in the form of a man out of time also showcasing the love Miyazaki has for planes.


A rare case of a sequel surpassing the original which is also a classic in its own right, James Cameron dials up the first movie successfully with Schwarzenegger returning but this time on the side of the heroes and Robert Patrick stepping into the shoes of the antagonist to give a cold and epic performance. But the real star is undoubtedly Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor who graduates to become an epic action heroine for the ages.


Martin Scorsese has created some true masterpieces and Goodfellas for me is the best among them all. Delving deep into the mob through the lens of real-life mobster Henry Hill on whose life this movie is based on narrating his tale from his childhood and how the glamour of the mob life attracted him. The movie also adds to the perspective of his wife Karen as they both act as narrators. Ray Liotta, Lorraine Bracco, and Robert De Niro are all excellent but the undoubted scene-stealer is Joe ‘Funny How?’ Pesci.

Ashwini Udgata
Written By

A guy with an immense love for cinema from all across the world. Nothing gives him joy quite like spreading word about the movies that he loved watching, talking about it and letting more people know about it. This is just one more attempt in that regard.

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