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The Wasteland Watchlist: The Fabelmans (2022) Movie Review

What does Steven Spielberg have to deliver at this stage in his career?

Spielberg has had multiple eras to fill out his filmography and most directors would be lucky to sniff at just one of them. Most directors would take the success of just one of his many classics. For many, Spielberg’s career had been waning with his 2010s filled with perceived Oscar bait and disappointments (Ready Player One being one of his career’s largest letdowns). But things changed the second West Side Story was released. Shocking, right? This is a classic film that nobody thought we needed a remake of. But Spielberg made a film arguably greater than the original and put the world of cinema on notice. 

But what story would be Spielberg’s big follow-up to West Side Story?

His own. The Fabelmans is an intimate and personal journey for this legendary filmmaker as he takes audiences into the world that molded him. The script from Spielberg and Tony Kushner is a heartwarming, genuine, and emotional experience that highlights the moments and life-changing experiences that made this young Jewish boy into one of the greatest directors in the history of cinema. The Fabelmans is a powerful coming-of-age story that sees a young boy is mesmerized by the magic of film and growing up into a young man who sees the world through a cinematic lens. Some of the most impactful and dynamic moments in the film see deeply emotional moments morphed into a dramatized film view that Sammy Fabelman has of the world. Some of the most charming moments are when Sammy is creating his first film. 

Outside of a story about a young filmmaker in the making, what other aspects of Spielberg’s youth does The Fabelmens tackle?

There are some layers of familial and relationship drama that Spielberg can tackle (and they are done so poignantly). The dynamic between Sammy’s parents is a key to his journey. His father (Paul Dano) is a science-driven practical man who is not totally on board with Sammy’s hope to be a filmmaker. His mother (Michelle Williams) is a free-spirited artist who wants to encourage and foster his creativity. Their relationship is complex and challenges the audience and the characters in the film to process their connection. We see plenty of high school dynamics with bullying and first loves. But Sammy’s need to film and cinematic expression adds an intriguing twist to these dynamics. Some other poignant moments are from Sammy and his siblings (even some deeply sad and challenging moments grow from their relationships). 

The writing is so impressive but does this cast deliver on the same level?

The actors in The Fabelsmans might honestly be the highlight of the film. Gabriel LaBelle did some brilliant casting on Spielberg’s part. LaBelle breathes so much into Sammy Fabelman making for a dynamic and impactful performance that I wish would get more attention this awards season. He captures the distance and unique world perspective that Sammy possesses. Williams might be the biggest standout of the cast as her manic energy and bold performance tower over the rest. But Dano goes against type as a caring if not distant father figure who shows his love in a subtle but gentle way. Seth Rogen is fun in his moments on screen and Judd Hirsch is magnetic stealing every moment that he is on screen. 

Can we take for granted that this film will be technically sound?

This is a master class in filmmaking and that is just the cherry on top of the engaging and layered story.

It is Spielberg so there is plenty of expert filmmaking at play. The film is beautiful, and it is no surprise that Spielberg’s DP Janusz Kaminski is behind the camera. There are great musical beats and John Williams delivers yet another quality composition for the film. The editing is sharp and dynamic giving this 150-minute film plenty of speed and energy. Spielberg still has it and The Fabelmans just might be one of his best. 

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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