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The John Wick Franchise: One Of The Best Action Movies Of The Last Decade

Since the 4th John Wick film has just been released, I thought I would review the last 3 films! 

John Wick (2014)

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

John Wick is a 2014 American action thriller film directed by Chad Stahelski and David Leitch. The movie stars Keanu Reeves in the lead role and features an all-star cast that includes Michael Nyqvist, Alfie Allen, Willem Dafoe, Adrianne Palicki, and Ian McShane. The plot of the movie centers around the character of John Wick, a retired hitman who is pulled back into the criminal underworld after his beloved dog is killed by a group of thugs. What follows is a thrilling ride filled with intense action sequences, mind-boggling stunts, and a gripping storyline that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats throughout the movie.

One of the standout features of John Wick is its expertly choreographed fight scenes. The film features some of the most impressive martial arts sequences ever seen on the big screen, with Keanu Reeves performing many of his own stunts. The fight scenes are fast-paced and visceral, with a level of intensity that few other movies can match. Another aspect of John Wick that sets it apart from other action movies is its world-building. The film creates a complex and intriguing criminal underworld that is both believable and captivating. From the Continental Hotel, a safe haven for criminals, to the intricate code of conduct that governs the world of assassins, the movie creates a fully realized world that leaves the audience wanting more. In addition to its action and world-building, John Wick also features a standout performance from Keanu Reeves. The actor brings a quiet intensity to the role of John Wick, imbuing the character with a sense of depth and complexity that is rare in action movies. Reeves is able to convey the pain and anguish of his character without ever saying a word, making his performance all the more impressive.

John Wick 2 (2017)

Rating: 4 out of 5.

John Wick: Chapter 2 is an action-packed film directed by Chad Stahelski, released in 2017, and a sequel to the 2014 hit movie, John Wick. This time, John Wick must go on a mission to Rome to assassinate the sister of the man who forced him out of retirement. The movie starts off right where the first John Wick movie ended, with John retrieving his stolen car from the Russian mob. From there, the film takes the audience on a wild ride, filled with intense fight scenes, incredible gunplay, and stunning cinematography. The action sequences are perfectly choreographed, and the sound design is top-notch, making every shot and every punch feel impactful and visceral.

One of the best things about John Wick: Chapter 2 is its world-building. The movie expands on the lore established in the first film, introducing new characters, organizations, and rules that govern the world of assassins. We learn about the Continental, a hotel that serves as a neutral ground for assassins, and the High Table, a council that governs the world’s assassins. These elements give the movie a unique flavor and make it stand out from other action films. Keanu Reeves delivers another fantastic performance as John Wick. He brings a stoic, understated intensity to the role that is both captivating and intimidating. The supporting cast is also excellent, with standout performances from Ian McShane as Winston, the owner of the Continental, and Common as Cassian, a fellow assassin. Another standout element of John Wick: Chapter 2 is its visual style. The movie features gorgeous cinematography, with stunning lighting and colors that give the film a unique look. The fight scenes are shot in a way that highlights the action, and the camera work is both smooth and dynamic, making every moment feel like a thrill ride. The movie also has an excellent score by Tyler Bates and Joel J. Richard. The music perfectly complements the action on screen, adding to the tension and excitement of each scene.

If there’s one criticism of John Wick: Chapter 2, it’s that the plot can be a bit convoluted at times. The movie introduces a lot of new characters and organizations, and it can be challenging to keep track of all the moving parts. However, this is a minor issue in the grand scheme of things, as the film’s action and world-building more than makeup for any narrative shortcomings. Overall, John Wick: Chapter 2 is an excellent sequel that surpasses its predecessor in almost every way. The action is intense and visceral, the world-building is fascinating, and the performances are top-notch. If you’re a fan of action movies, John Wick: Chapter 2 is a must-see.

John Wick 3 (2019)

Rating: 4 out of 5.

John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum is the third installment of the John Wick franchise, directed by Chad Stahelski and released in 2019. The movie picks up right where the second film left off, with John Wick being declared excommunicado from the Continental Hotel, the underworld’s sanctuary for assassins. With a $14 million bounty on his head, John must navigate the dangerous streets of New York City to survive and clear his name. The film features some of the most intense and exhilarating action sequences ever put on film. Stahelski and his team of stunt coordinators have outdone themselves in crafting some truly breathtaking fights, using a combination of martial arts, gunplay, and sheer brute force to create a visceral and thrilling experience. The fight choreography is masterfully executed, with every punch, kick, and gunshot feeling impactful and visceral.

The film also benefits from a strong supporting cast, including Ian McShane as Winston, the owner of the Continental, Laurence Fishburne as the Bowery King, and Halle Berry as Sofia, a former acquaintance of John’s. McShane and Fishburne, particularly, have great chemistry with Reeves and provide some of the film’s most memorable moments. Berry also impresses in her role, showcasing her action chops in several impressive set pieces.

One of the film’s greatest strengths is its world-building. The film expands on this world, delving deeper into the hierarchy and politics of the assassins’ society. It’s a world where honor and loyalty are valued above all else, and where betrayals can have deadly consequences.

The John Wick universe is a fascinating and intricate one, with its own set of rules and codes of conduct.

At its core, John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum is a movie about loyalty, honor, and the consequences of one’s actions. John Wick is a man of few words, but his actions speak volumes. He’s a man who values his word and his honor above all else, and he’s willing to risk everything to protect those he cares about. It’s this sense of loyalty that sets John apart from the other assassins in his world, and it’s what makes him such a compelling character. The film’s pacing is also worth noting. It’s a non-stop thrill ride from beginning to end, with barely a moment to catch your breath. The action scenes are spaced out perfectly, giving the audience just enough time to recover before plunging them back into the fray. The film never feels repetitive or boring, and there’s always a sense of tension and danger lurking around every corner. Overall, John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum is an outstanding action film that delivers on every level. It’s a beautifully crafted piece of cinema that showcases the very best of what the action genre has to offer. With its stunning action sequences, compelling characters, and intricate world-building, it’s a movie that will leave you breathless and wanting more.

Overall, John Wick is a must-see franchise for fans of action and thriller genres. Its expertly choreographed fight scenes, captivating world-building, and standout performance from one of my favorite actors, Keanu Reeves, which make it one of the best action movies of the last decade. The films have become cult classics, cementing their place in the pantheon of great action movies.

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Ella is a self-entitled film enthusiast who loves watching movies, as well as writing about them. Her favorite types of movies consist of 80s/90s films, anything Old Hollywood, cult classics, and drama. She is also currently a journalist for the Eagle Era. Follow her on Letterboxd @riverpheonix!

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