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The Wasteland Vintage Roadshow: The Muppet Christmas Carol

Who loves the winter season? Many people love when the snow comes and Christmas time rolls around. This is the season of giving and love for one another. The spirit of the season is a strong bug that latches on. Seeing houses lit up with Christmas lights and decorated with all kinds of cheesy or classy lawn ornaments brings joy to a lot of people. One of my favorite ways to enjoy the season is to turn on my TV and pop in one of my favorite holiday movies. There are so many to choose from and it all depends on what you are looking for. Plenty of people love to debate what is or isn’t a Christmas movie but some of them are clear-cut and fully embrace the season and enjoy the Christmas movies.

What is One of The Most Classic of All Christmas Stories?

One of the greatest authors of all time, Charles Dickens created an unexpected hit with a short and meaningful cautionary tale about the healing of the Christmas season. Centering on a cruel and heartless Scrooge, A Christmas Carol takes its readers on a supernatural ride to find the spirit of Christmas. In fact, there are three! Scrooge is met by the Ghost of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come as they each teach him the life lessons, he needs to open his eyes and heart to the season and others. This story is timeless as these beautiful themes speak to us all. We all can use a little reminder of the good in people and why it is important to share and care for others.

There is a Reason Why There Are so Many Versions of This Story, Right?

There are the most traditional adaptations of course. Probably the most famous of which is led by one of the great actors of his time, George C. Scott. He made a later career of playing a variety of bitter old men and he slipped into this classic tale so perfectly. This version has a bit of a darker edge (but certainly not the darkest). Reginald Owen, Alastair Sim, and Patrick Stewart have all taken on the Scrooge character as well in some more traditional adaptations. The 80 takes the story in a different direction with a modern sensibility. Bill Murray plays a TV executive who goes on a similar but certainly different kind of ride in Scrooged. Robert Zemeckis found a lot of success with his motion-captured Polar Express and decided to redo A Christmas Carol (featuring a committed barrage of performances by Jim Carrey). Then you have the darkest of dark adaptations from Steve Knight (of Peaky Blinders fame). But there is only one adaptation that is just the best. Obviously, this is quite a biased opinion, but you cannot go wrong with The Muppet Christmas Carol.

Why do I care so much About What Might Seem Like Just a Silly Adaptation of a Timeless Classic?

I have watched this film every single year for the holidays. This might be one of the films that I have watched the most in my life.

I have also been watching the Muppets since I was a small child.

I had this one on VHS as well as Muppet Treasure Island. Tim Curry as Long John Silver? Cannot be beaten! I also watched plenty of the original The Muppet Babies. You can probably tell…I am quite a fan. I have gone back and rediscovered the original film but still, need to watch the original The Muppet Show. I love The Muppets, and Muppets Most Wanted (I regularly listen to the song “Man or Muppet” for reference). I will also make sure to catch any new content that Disney+ throws my way. But when it comes down to it, the film I will always love most is The Muppet Christmas Carol.

But What Makes This Muppet Version of The Story so Great?

One of the most important elements of A Christmas Carol is the message. This isn’t the type of story with subtle themes, the ideas of redemption and kindness are embedded so deeply into the narrative. Each of the spirits that visit Scrooge tries to teach him lessons and show him why it is essential to change his ways. What is so great about the Muppets is the earnestness and joy that they bring into everything they do. They make the perfect conduits to bring messaging to both children and adults. They are warm and fuzzy but also have so many fun and hilarious personalities. The Muppet Christmas Carol boasts so much jovial energy as the messages of A Christmas Carol are passed along. Let’s not discount too that there is a warmth about them that makes the film such an easy watch. The themes, characters, and story descend upon you like a warm and inviting blanket.

How Does Screenwriter Jerry Juhl Make This Adaptation Feel Unique Compared to The Countless Ones Before it?

The framed narrative of the film adds a lot of color and fun to it. Who would be the best to tell this tale? Charles Dickens himself! Oh, wait…that is just Gonzo. But Gonzo and his pal Rizzo the Rat make for the perfect combo to tell this tale. Gonzo is endlessly committed to his method of acting (he really believes he is Dickens). Rizzo adds a snarky and sarcastic flair to the proceedings. Their banter is pitch-perfect and brings important levity to the film. In the end, this is a family film and there can be some darker elements (that RingWraith/Dementor looking Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come ALWAYS scared me as a kid). Gonzo and Rizzo can bring some laughs with either silly banter, sarcasm, or slapstick.

How About the Direction of The Muppet Christmas Carol?

By the time this film came around, Jim Henson had unfortunately passed away, but his son Brian stood up and delivered this joyful and classic film. Henson can maneuver between silly gags and laughs (queue Gonzo and Rizzo), heartwarming moments of clarity and love (what a wonderful finale this film delivers), and legitimate heft. When Scrooge is shown his desolate future, there is a great atmosphere created around him and his impending demise. There are dark and ominous designs and serious consequences. There are legitimate somber moments as well with the passing of Tiny Tim (in the unfortunate future) as well as Scrooge losing his one human love in his past. There is so much to feel throughout this film, and it is such a wonderful ride. One element we have yet to touch upon is the central performance. Our Scrooge.

Who Could Possibly be the Ideal Candidate Who Could Channel Grim Heartlessness And Legitimate Warmth?

Michael Caine, of course. Caine has had a long and illustrious career with iconic roles like Alfie, Alfred, and many more. But to be fair…he has done his fair share of paycheck movies. This might seem like one such film (a kid’s movie with a bunch of puppets) but he brings his A-game and is incredibly convincing. There is a class and gravitas that he brings to the role that just helps elevate the film beyond just a standard kid’s affair. The audience can feel his arch playout in such a genuine way.

But How Have We Not Talked About More Muppets Yet?

There are so many of them over the course of The Muppet Christmas Carol film. Some of my personal favorites make some small appearances like the Swedish Chef as well…a chef and Sam the Eagle as an English boarding school headmaster. His line about the American way…I mean the British way gets me every time. Statler and Waldorf are a pair of Muppets I have grown to love over time. This duo of grumpy old men is a blast with each other. The creative decision to multiply the number of Marley’s and cast these two was inspired. Their roles might be short…BUT I LOVED IT! Fozzy is silly as always in his limited role. Heck, even Bunsen and Beaker make a nice appearance. But the meatiest of all the Muppets roles must go to Kermit and Miss Piggy. Kermit is as endearing and genuine as Bob Cratchit. His sincerity is warm and relatable. We all want to be friends with him and see him thrive. His kindness shines through. Piggy is as Piggy as always as she has no problem saying what she really means to that Scrooge.

But What is The Delightful Cherry on Top of This Earnest and Sincere Cake?

The music. Who would expect a Muppet movie without a little musical joy? This film adds some great musical numbers to really flesh out the themes and story. “Scrooge” is such a fun and snarky song which perfectly sets up the character of Scrooge as it chills you to the bone. Even the vegetables get in on the fun! Then you have my personal favorite from one giant Muppet (the Ghost of Christmas Present). “It Feels Like Christmas” is a warm and iconic representation of what the Christmas season really means. The joy and spirit jump off the screen into your living room. “Marley and Marley” has fantastic lyrics with sharp biting commentary performed perfectly by everyone’s favorite grumpy old Muppets. The perfect end to the Muppet Christmas Carol is the warm and loving “When Love Is Found” which brings everyone back together for a big ensemble. 

Have I Convinced You Yet?

Heart and love meet fun and charm in this Muppet adaptation.

If you haven’t seen this sweet holiday classic, treat yourself to a wonderful time! The Muppets bring their classic signature to a strong adaptation of Dickens’ work. Trust me…you will be singing all the wonderful songs for the whole holiday season. Bring on more Muppet adaptations.

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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