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The Wasteland Watchlist: The Sea Beast (2022)

Who doesn’t love a swashbuckling good time?

Pirates of the Caribbean was such a massive hit for five films and modern audiences fell back in love with this classic type of film. Swashbuckling adventures were a huge part of early cinema with the likes of Errol Flynn capturing the imagination of audiences like no one had before. The idea of going out on the high seas and facing the challenges of the open ocean is exciting and terrifying. Plenty of creatures can be found hidden in the deep that can tear shipboard from the board. Pirates had the Kraken and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea had its giant squid. Netflix just might have found the next great swashbuckling adventure for all the family. 

What does The Sea Beast bring to the table to make it one of those fun swashbuckling adventures?

First off, monsters! There are plenty of sea monsters that the audience comes across along the way. From giant red beasts the size of 10 ships to little cute babies, this film offers up plenty to enjoy. The mythology set up in the film is quite intriguing as well. A human/monster war has raged on for generations with a long legacy of monster hunters along the way. This age-old conflict finds itself at the center of this plot. The screenplay Neil Benjamin and Chris Williams craft utilizes plenty of mystery and conspiracy to shake up what could be bland and play plot. The bedrock set up by this conflict guides the motivation of all the main characters from a hunter who must find the errors of his ways (Karl Urban) to a young girl of hunter legacy who sees the world for what it is (Zaris-Angel Hator) to a sea captain who must bitterly cling to his own legacy (Jared Harris).

What are the themes that Williams embeds in this exciting adventure?

There is a surprising look at legacy and propaganda. This film takes a pointed (even if overly on-the-nose) take on the dangers of those in power and the stories they tell. They are the ones who create history and this film tackles the harms that could spread from misinformation and biased history.

At the center of this story is also a man (inspired by a young and uncorrupted child) who must confront the violent and bloody legacy he has created his career on. The plot of this film might be familiar but there is enough heart and inspired direction to breathe into it.

This might be a common thread in classic animation, but this film does it so well.

Speaking of…how does Williams bring this big and bold tale to life?

The Sea Beast is one of the highest-quality animated films that Netflix has put out (there are few great ones but when they are, they really are). The animation is beautiful and captures this sprawling world so perfectly. The water (a historically difficult element to render) is impressive and the sea action is intense and exhilarating. The ships and the castles are detailed and impressive to see. There are some majestic shots in the film as you see giant ships sailing into gorgeous kingdoms. The monsters borrow designs from other films (the big red monster at the center REALLY looks like Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon) but they are perfectly animated and stand out. 

Williams breathes plenty of life into the film but what about this voice cast?

Urban does a pitch-perfect job as our heroic and dense hunter-hero. There are moments that bring some emotions and others where Urban can deliver some laughs. Hator is inspired by casting as she offers up a strong and passionate young protagonist. She gets some well-staged moments to shine including an impassioned speech towards the end of the film. Harris is devilishly menacing in his antagonistic role but hides it well behind a wise and stern mentoring role. Throw in a strong supporting turn from Marianne Jean-Baptiste and we are treated to a wonderful ensemble.

Does The Sea Beast rise above some familiar elements to offer up an exciting new adventure over on Netflix?

This is an animated feature with a classic feel with pitch-perfect animation to bring this exciting world to life.

Williams crafts a moving and exciting romp that will capture the imagination of the whole family. Show this one some love as it stands out in an animated landscape dominated by some other major studios.

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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