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The Wasteland Vintage Roadshow: The Searchers’ 65th anniversary

Release Date: 26 May 1956 (USA)
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Western
IMDb Rating: 7.9
Director: John Ford
Cast: John Wayne, Jeffrey Hunter, Vera Miles, Ward Bond, Natalie Wood, John Qualen, Ken Curtis

When you think of a man’s man, who do you think of? When you think of America, what actor comes to mind? When you look at the legacy of the Western, who do you think of? The Duke. JW. John Wayne. A symbol of classic American views and of the great American spirit of the West, Wayne was one of the greatest icons of film. Whether he was leading American troops into war and navigating the Wild West, Wayne commanded the screen at every moment. What makes a true movie star? A true star lights up the screen…and you cannot look away.

But sometimes there is a special film that comes along that will grab your intention. 65 years ago, Ethan Edwards went on a journey to find his kidnapped nieces. This film is…The Searchers.

Hundreds of films on his resume, how do you choose a favorite? There are just too many to choose from!

The camera rolls and we see the amazing glory of Monument Valley in its colorful and majestic glory. Does anything else capture the spirit and scope of the western genre other than the beautiful landscapes of western America? I think not. Who was the master of capturing these landmarks in all of their glory? John Ford. Ford is one of the greatest filmmakers in the history of cinema. He may have started with moving and affecting drama but Ford’s trademark soon became the western. Stagecoach. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. Rio Grande. Do you want me to go on? With a filmography of well over 100 films, I could easily do so. But that is not the point of this article. The Searchers movie and celebrating its lasting legacy in the genre is. This film flipped the page on the persona that John Wayne inhabited. Wayne was a pure and flawless hero who was manlier than anyone else and could accomplish anything. But that is not the portrait that Ford paints in The Searchers…and that is what makes it so special.

Ford does what you would expect from a technical aspect. The production design is impeccable as few films really capture the majestic nature of the beauty of its setting. The large mountains and vast desert give a scale that is epic to match the long and enduring journey of our hero (or anti-hero). The colors. You have to talk about the colors. The richness of the color palettes in this film is hard to ignore. The clay and sand are striking and the sky is eye-catching at all times. You honestly could watch this film just for the visuals and cinematography and get plenty out of the experience. Lucky for the audience, Ford delivers plenty more than just a beautiful setting. The film performances a top-notch balancing act of tones through the film. There are frightening sequences, especially during the invasion of the Edwards ranch. You will laugh as well which is a pleasant surprise. Throw in some romance too and we have quite the film. But above all else, we have the drama that drives the film forward. For a film about a seven-year journey, this briskly moves along.

What is so surprising and unique when it comes to The Searchers? Complexities. Ethan Edwards is a complex man. He is a heroic warrior who fought in the Civil War. He has a code of honor on his own terms. BUT…he is a hateful and racist man to the core. What kind of man would kill his niece instead of her adapting Native American culture?

That is a monster. Yet…he is our “hero”. He comes home to his brother’s homestead after years with feelings for his sister-in-law and hatred for his own adopted nephew. Tragedy. Death strikes and a tribe of Comanches kidnap his nieces. The table is set…and the search is on. Ethan and his mixed-raced nephew, Martin, venture out over the course of years. Years of loss, violence, broken spirits, and wandering fill the film that challenges our protagonists on their search. Martin leaves love behind which wavers over the years and Ethan carries a hateful chip on his shoulder. But can he redeem himself? Can he film little Debbie? Can he find peace in a world he left a lifetime ago? You must watch this towering western – The Searchers Movie to find out.

Speaking of Ethan…what a performance from Wayne? Forget the perfect model of manliness and honor, Ethan Edwards just might be the most complex of all of John Wayne’s roles.

Sure…he is strong and code-driven. Ethan is a man who has a relentless drive to save his niece. But Wayne has to deliver more vulnerability and pain than he has ever before. Two scenes. One, he finds a tragic twist of fate, and the rage underneath masking his grief roars out. Two, the film ends with one of the greatest shots in film history. The door closes on a broken man, shutting him out from a loving and forgiving existence.

Wayne delivers his greatest performance in The Searchers Movie. But Wayne is not the only incredible piece. Jeffrey Hunter is young and vibrant…and overly prideful in his role as Martin. Ward Bond (a fantastic character actor) is fun and memorable as a tension-building foil to Ethan. Vera Miles plays a perfectly fitting love for young Martin to pine for which gives heart to The Searchers Movie.

Finally, Natalie Wood delivers an empathetic and endearing performance as a young Debbie that challenges us when Ethan finds her and must decide how to resolve her transition to Comanches life.

Are you a fan of Westerns? I know many people today might find the genre to be a piece of the past. A relic that represents a bygone era of the American spirit. And sure…many of them feel silly and dated. But don’t mistake that type of filmmaking for John Ford’s work.

John Ford is one of the greatest filmmakers…EVER. The Searchers movie may arguably be his magnum opus.

Monument Valley graces us with cinematic perfection. Max Steiner’s impressive and impactful score brings this epic journey to life. John Wayne gives the most layered and impactful performance of his career, showing layers of acting that most may have thought he lacked. Even if you are not a fan of this genre, you must experience The Searchers movie…so take a leap of faith and go on this wandering journey. You will not regret it.

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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