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Wasteland Watchlist: The Underrated Gems of 2021

With another year of cinema wrapping up, what does that mean? It is time to reflect on all the great cinema of the year! I could spend time talking about Spider-Man: No Way Home, Dune, or several other big-name films that made an impact this year. But those films will get plenty of attention already. What is the purpose of this article? There are needs to be a spotlight for all of the underrated films of 2021 that just flew under the radar. So here are some of the best Hidden Gems of 2021 to add to The Wasteland Watchlist!

Shiva Baby

Aren’t uncomfortable social gatherings the best? Newcomer Emma Seligman delivers one of the tensest and uncomfortable cinematic experiences of the year with her new comedy, Shiva Baby. Rightfully so, the internet community is showing Seligman some love as they discover this wonderful film.  Seligman’s friend Rachel Sennott shines in front of the camera as she gives one of the most earnest and charming performances of the year as she tries to balance a hidden affair, confrontation with her ex, and general familial awkwardness. Find this one because you will not regret it and keep an eye out for what Seligman and Sennott have coming next.

Death Drop Gorgeous

What do you get when you take campy effects, drag queens, and a fabulous serial killer? One heck of a good time! Death Drop Gorgeous is a wonderfully queer slasher flick that captures the spirit of the drag scene while also delivering some of the campiest horror fun of the year. This one might be the most genre fun you can have on a shoestring budget this year. But only one word can describe the plot, characters, horror trapping, and the creators behind this flick…fun.


Who does love a creeping bit of folk horror now and again? Miles Doleac sure does, and he delivers it in spades with his new horror flick Demigod. Led by a rock-solid performance by Rachel Nichols (who is a delight to see in the lead here), this film takes the audience deep into the Black Forest where witches and otherworldly entities wreak havoc. There is plenty of atmospheres to enjoy in this film as well as a fun supporting performance from Doleac himself. Check out this creature feature and be in awe of Doleac’s unnerving new creation.

I’m Your Man

Who wouldn’t be charmed by Dan Stevens as a love robot? I’m Your Man is a German sci-fi romance that expertly balances the expectations of an unlikely romance with subtle but effective science fiction elements. Maren Eggert delivers an affecting and moving performance as a scientist who is tasked with testing a new romantic robot companion. Director Maria Schrader hooks you from the start with a strange and mysterious encounter and then the charming leads carry you through with thoughtful commentary on love and humanity. Bleecker Street is a production house of quality, and it shows with this one.

The Killing of Two Lovers

Who needs big bold budgets to deliver affecting drama? Writer-director Robert Machoian delivers a deeply affecting film about the crumbling of a marriage and the effects it has on all involved. A husband who is desperate to get his family back…a wife trying to move on with a new man…and children who struggle to cope with this new reality. Impressive filmmaking brings this impactful film to life including an expertly shot finale that will leave you shaken to the core. This is not your standard dramatic romance…this is much more haunting than that.


Who does want to be famous? Magnus von Horn might have something to say about that with his latest film, Sweat. This is a biting commentary on the effects of fame and what it can do to some and their mental state. Magdalena Kolesnik delivers a star-making performance as a social media celebrity who captures the attention of unsavoury romantic partners as well as stalkers. The consequences of this film are harsh and brutal as they crack through the perfect façade laid out in the opening moments of the film. Kolesnik and von Horn are now must-watch talents moving forward.


What can be stronger than a bond between a mother and a daughter? Asia is a new Israeli film that soars on the performances of two talented performers, Alena Yiv and Shira Haas. These two actors play this tense relationship perfectly as a mother who was never ready to be one and a daughter who is too rambunctious to handle. This moving drama sees these two actors building an affecting relationship over tragic and life-threatening news. If Yiv and Haas’ performances were enough to grab you, the drama that writer-director Ruthy Pribar creates is poignant and moving.

The Paper Tigers

Sometimes you just cannot do what you used to, right? When three friends with martial arts backgrounds come together after years, they must find out who murdered their master. Writer-director Quoc Bao Tran balances great humour, intense action, and tangible stakes to deliver one of the most unexpected cinematic experiences of the year. Led by a trio of pitch-perfect performances, this action flick takes on ageing in an impactful way. The story has depth and delivers great narrative payoffs while never forgetting to deliver plenty of fun.


What is the worst place to keep your deepest secret when it comes to your sexuality? In the deeply masculine ranks of the military. Moffie is a striking South African war drama from writer-director Olivar Hermanus with a star-making turn by Kai Luke Brummer. There is plenty of tension to go along with the beautiful filmmaking that captures the harsh reality of war. Racism, homophobia, and violence strike hard in this war film, leaving audiences with a brutal cinematic experience. This heavy load of a film is certainly worth your time seeking out.

Preparations to Be Together for an Unknown Period of Time

What if your dream came true and you found your love…but then they said they didn’t know who you are? What an intriguing hook that writer-director Lili Horvat injects into her mysterious romance Preparations to Be Together for an Unknown Period of Time. Natasha Stork shines as the anchor for this tense mystery. This plays out in an engrossing way that hooks you from the start. This film highlights the beauty of Budapest and the depths one will go to find their love. This romance will surprise you and shock you so make sure to seek it out.

The Reason I Jump

What is more beautiful than the poetry of a story in motion? This documentary, The Reason I Jump, tells the story of non-verbal autistic individuals across the world. Director Jerry Rothwell takes the unique approach to this documentary that focuses on the beauty of cinema and the lives of these individuals. Captured from the writings of Naoki Higashida, this film puts you in the shoes of these individuals in a deeply meaningful way. This is a special experience and transcends what you expect out of the documentary genre making it a must-see emotional experience.

Sweet Thing

What is more magical than the perspective of youth discovering life? But sometimes that road through adolescence is a rocking one. Writer-director Alexandre Rockwell creates a moving and emotional journey in Sweet Thing. Rockwell calls upon his own children to bring these youthful siblings to life as they struggle with broken homes and relationships. Along with a friend, these children go out on a beautiful but raw journey to find solid ground under their feet. One of the best coming-of-age stories to grace the silver screen this year. This one will move you and take you on a journey worth taking.

The Delivered

Times were seriously tough centuries ago, weren’t they? Thomas Clay writes and directs this drama about Fanny, a woman student in a militant Puritan home when the ideas of radicals descend upon her home. Led by Maxine Peake and her committed and strong performance, a balance of tension, action, and drama overtakes this quiet farm setting. Matched by a powerful and tyrannical performance from Charles Dance, Fanny must find truth stuck between extreme ideas clashing both intellectually and physically. Provocative and impactful, this historical drama will leave you floored.

The Vigil

Who wouldn’t want to spend an evening along with a dead body looking out for evil spirits? This horror film is deeply rooted in Jewish Orthodox beliefs while focusing on a young man’s questioning journey one fateful night. Writer-director Keith Thomas can use atmosphere and deep focus to capture unnerving and horrifying moments throughout its slim runtime. Dave Davis anchors this film as he struggles with not only the supernatural battles outward but the deeply religious battles inside. Moving and terrifying all at once, this horror gem will leave you shaken by the time the credits roll.


How many possible mythical creatures can you possibly cram into one film? Well…when you have a Cryptozoo, you can fit plenty! Dash Shaw delivers one of the most unique animated experiences you will have all year. This beautifully hand-drawn film is not only unique visually, but it also captures a fantastical narrative full of drama, tension, and action. This is certainly an adult-oriented film with plenty of blood and guts but that should not distract you from the poignant message of preservation. This film will wow you with all of the incredible creatures that it brings to life while taking you on a thrill ride you will not soon forget. 

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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