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Thor Love and Thunder 2022 Movie Review

What a journey we have seen Thor experience over the course of the MCU?

It all started with a Shakespearian-tinged romp from talented thespian-turned-director, Kenneth Branagh. Thor felt dramatic in a specific way with big theatrical moments and dazzling visuals (when it wasn’t spending half the movie in a bland and drab small town in New Mexico). The finale between Thor and Loki felt truly epic in scale and emotion. Then there was Thor: The Dark World. This drab and messy sequel was not a good representation of Game of Thrones alum, Alan Taylor. Thor’s first two Avengers appearances made him feel like the third of the “Big Three”. 

But what could breathe life into the character of Thor?

Taika Waititi. Thor: Ragnarok changed the game. This was a quirky and vibrant Thor. Chris Hemsworth started to feel like the real star of his own story. Waititi’s humor captured the campy feel of Thor in the best way while also offering up plenty of fun in other characters. But it was Infinity War and Endgame where Thor really shined.

If Infinity War was Thanos’ film, Thor was his narrative foil. He got the best moments and the truly emotional ones at that. But his failure was the final one that solidified Thanos’ victory.

But now Thor is a vagabond finding himself and his worth at the end of Endgame as he flies off with the Guardians of the Galaxy. 

How does Waititi continue the story of the space Viking in Thor: Love and Thunder?

He turns it all up to 11. All the camp in Ragnarok and all the craziness is elevated to a point of full-blown 80s cheese. There are moments that are taken seriously (some surprisingly so) but overall, Waititi keeps the film light. The tone should feel unbalanced, but it is all so over-the-top that it feels like you are just in for a crazy ride all the time. For the first two acts, there are some scenes where the humor could have been toned down to deliver better emotional moments but as the film moves towards its climax, it embraces a better balance leading to a third act that feels incredibly resonant. There are moments that are scary (focusing on the nightmarish presence of Gorr the God Butcher) which shakes the film up as well. There are a few glaring issues though with false deaths galore (which undermine the stakes) and pacing that gives the film no time to breathe and really let the narrative in. 

But is it still a worthwhile experience?

Heck yes! This is the most fun I have had in a theater this year. This is a full-blown Marvel romantic comedy (which feels so weird to say). They did the impossible and made the romance between Thor and Jane endearing and interesting. They have strong chemistry, and a Korg-narrated flashback montage shows their relationship (doing more heavy-lifting than two whole films). Jane becomes The Mighty Thor due to Mjolnir trying to protect her while she deals with some tragic twists of fate. We want them to get back together and hope that they can finally have a life together. Thor’s mid-life crisis is the driving force of the film as he desires life and family with Jane. Natalie Portman is reinvigorated in her role of Jane this time. She is charming, awkward, and endearingly eager to be a new hero. But one God Butcher just keeps getting in the way. 

Where does Gorr stack up against the other MCU villains?

He is relatable to start. His daughter dies after his god fails him and tries to betray him. A curse blade then curses him and gives him the means to seek vengeance…against all gods. This is reinforced by Thor’s trip to the secret city of the gods. Zeus (their leader) turns out to be a cowardly and selfish jerk who shows that Gorr is mostly right about the gods. On a side note, Russell Crowe is boisterous, flamboyant, and intense as Zeus making him one of the best new additions to the film. After Gorr is cursed, he becomes a terrifying specter who is unnerving to experience on screen. Every moment he is on screen (especially the black and white Shadow Realm sequence) is something special.

The way Waititi presents him leads to some cool horror elements and Christian Bale’s performance is unnerving as hell. Bale’s dark sense of humor and intensity makes Gorr one of the most memorable of all the Marvel villains. 

But what about the overall experience of the film?

The action is inspired, over-the-top, and exciting. The use of slow-motion is so cheesy that it fits in perfectly with the tone Waititi is going for. The visuals are striking. The crown jewel must be the Shadow Realms sequence which is so visually impressive that you wish you could see a whole film created that way. Michael Giacchino’s score is top-notch with triumphant elements and eerie ones as well. The use of all the Guns’ n ’Roses music fits perfectly in this crazy 80s romp. Waititi has a specific world and tone in mind for his film and nails it. 

Is this going to change people’s perspective on what Phase 4 is delivering in the MCU?

Waititi is here to deliver an over-the-top superhero romantic comedy and he delivers.

This one is continuing the new trend of films getting plenty of love and hate at the same time. If you go in expecting a silly and campy time, you will get a lot more out of this film. There are noticeable flaws along the way but that shouldn’t stop you from having a good time.

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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