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The Wasteland Vintage Roadshow: Top Gun (1986) – Celebrating 35th Anniversary

What was your go-to music growing up? I know for me I had a slowly growing CD collection over the course of years. I had mostly classic rock music’s greatest hits CD’s but I always had an affinity for movie soundtracks. I loved movies so much that it would whisk me away to my favorite films when I would throw on that CD. I know you are wondering why I am spending so much time talking about music but I promise…it is important. I would go into Wal-Mart and look through all of the music and find some new CDs to add to my collection. One of my personal favorites which I spent hours listening to was Top Gun. See…I told you it was relevant. Top Gun is one of those soundtracks that you pop in and it is non-stop hits throughout. I love every second of it.

When Someone Thinks of The movie, What do They Think of?

“Danger Zone”. Kenny Loggins. This song is the embodiment of the energy, attitude, and overall 80’s aesthetic of the film. This just might be one of the greatest songs of the ’80s. The rest of the album is a perfect mix of classics, perfect 80’s music, and score from Harold Faltermeyer. We have to start there though with “Top Gun Anthem”. There are not too many pieces of music that capture the spirit of a film so perfectly. It is also one of the most inspiring pieces of score out there. Then you have great classic tracks that have great meaning in the film from the likes of Otis Redding, Jerry Lee Lewis, and The Righteous Brothers (all from the special edition that I had on CD). Then you cannot get more 80’s than “Mighty Wings”, “Playing with the Boys”, “Lead Me On”, and “Take My Breath Away”. When someone thinks of love scenes in the film, one of the most iconic is the hanger scene with the perfect Berlin track.

But Why Did I Spend so Much Time Gshing All Over The Music From This Film?

When I re-watched the film to write this article for its 35th anniversary, I realized how wall-to-wall of music this film really was.

Top Gun lives and breathes by the soundtrack and score.

Heck…they play “Danger Zone” like four or five times over the course of the film. For me, you cannot separate the music and the film because they fuse so perfectly to create this. As I sit writing this article, I can visualize each scene based on the music playing. That is a special kind of synergy that transcends one medium of art. I also think Top Gun is one of the films most representative of its decade and the music certainly has a huge impact on that.

But I Have Spent Long Enough Speaking to The Musical Significance of This Film. But What About The Film Itself?

Whereas the soundtrack was a significant mainstay of my musical journey, the film has not been one in my cinematic journey.

That is where my feelings are very different.

I do not recall sitting down and watching Top Gun (1986) movie from start to finish growing up but I certainly experienced parts of it over time. Who can ever forget one of the most homoerotic scenes in the film? The volleyball game. The hanger scene with “Take My Breath Away” was so impactful. The dogfights were so cool when I was a kid and now watching as an adult you see how much craft went into them. But it wasn’t until post-college that I actually sat down and really watched this film from start to finish. I wasn’t the hugest fan.

If I Wasn’t The Hugest Fan of The Film, Why Am I Taking All of This Effort to Write This Article About it?

This film has such a cultural impact that I felt like it really deserved the recognition and I have felt such a special connection to particular aspects of the film (i.e. the music), I thought I would give it a try. My original thoughts were that it was just a cheesy 80’s film with super macho sensibilities. But then I rented it this weekend to get a fresh look at the film and I realized…I enjoyed this film a lot more than I remembered. What a pleasant surprise!

Who created this truly iconic 80’s action flick?

The late Tony Scott of course. His brother Ridley has more name recognition but Tony did some great work over the course of his career. He had edgy crime dramas like True Romance and a laundry list of action/thrillers such as Unstoppable and Crimson Tide. But honestly, Top Gun (1986) movie really started it all. The one word to describe Scott’s work would definitely be visceral. There is a certain impact and energy that Scott fills every frame with. This is most notable in all of the dogfight scenes in the film. The actual planes being used create a feeling of real and impact action that brings you to the edge of your seat. Every frame of the film is filled with style and testosterone. This is…a manly film. Dads everywhere will always love Top Gun.

But Who is The Real Star of Top Gun (1986) Movie?

This rhetorical question is probably simply obvious. Tom Cruise. The cruise was riding high and quickly becoming the king of the 1980s. Risky Business…Legend…The Color of Money…Cocktail…and so much more. Cruise has more charisma than most people would know what to do with.

Maverick is an action movie icon with his confidence, zeal, and rebellious nature. He is a man that represents that rebellious streak that so many young people experience as they rage against the establishment.

Maverick might not be this best role model but we experience a strong arc for him.

We love Goose who is the key likeable anchor of the film. Anthony Edwards really is the heart of the film. Kelly McGillis is a strong romantic lead and Val Kilmer is the intense rivalry that Maverick needed. By the end of the film, who wouldn’t want to be Maverick’s wingman? Throw in a stacked cast of supporting actors like Tom Skerritt, Michael Ironside, and James Tolkan and we have quite the cast.

In the Year 2021…35 years Later…Does Top Gun (1986) Movie Still Stand Tall?

In some ways, it really does. Why would we be getting Top Gun: Maverick if we weren’t? Those action sequences in the air will never grow old or outdated. We always need impressive visceral thrills on a big screen. Tom Cruise is still one of the biggest stars in the world! Does he even age? But most might not be game for the ’80s cheese and uber-masculine sensibilities. But even if you aren’t, there is still plenty here to make a worthwhile experience.

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A film reviewer when he isn't teaching and tutoring at the college level, Shane is a true cinephile whose favorite activity is getting lost in a great film.

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